The new issue of “Notes from the Library” is available at https://library.hkust.edu.hk/newsletters/September-2022/
HKUST Library Newsletter | Issue No. 125 | September 2022

A New Milestone – HKUST™s Guangzhou Library
The Guangzhou Library of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is almost ready to serve the needs to the new campus.

Change of Library Leadership
Diana Chan – After I left UBC Library to return to HK in 1993, I started as just a part-time librarian here.
Welcome Back – Be Safe and Secure
Please enjoy the facilities and services available.

Collection Spotlight: New and Expanded E-Resources
OED: Oxford English Dictionary – The OED is widely regarded as THE accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of 600,000 words from across the English-speaking world. You can find contemporary meanings as well as the history of individual words.
Tech-item Kiosk
The Library continuously plans for more self-service facilities to provide you with more convenience and (in an age of Covid) less human contact.

Two Library Exhibitions this Fall
Israeli Discoveries and Innovations that Influenced the World – In the G/F Gallery, we are collaborating with the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong for an exhibition of Israel™s innovation and invention.
Writing a DMP – Vital to Research
Research Data Management Planning is a vital part of reproducible research.

HKUST Library Book Launch!
The HKUST Library has a unique collection of historical maps that document the development of Western trade and diplomatic relationships with China.

New Library Logo!
We are excited to announce that the Library has a new logo, approved by the University in July. Commissioned by the Library and designed by
HKUST™s Media Technology and Publishing Center, the logo features the distinctive window wall of the HKUST Library, as viewed from both inside and outside.

Orientation 2022: Face-to-Face, Plus Zoom and PRIZES!
The Library is pleased to be able to restore face-to-face orientation activities, along with Zoom sessions.
© 2022 HKUST Library
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