The new issue of “Notes from the Library” is available at http://library.hkust.edu.hk/newsletters/september-2023/
HKUST Library Newsletter | Issue No. 129 | September 2023

Collection Spotlight—What’s New
Airiti Library (華藝線上圖書館) strengthens the Library’s support for full-text Taiwan journals and conference proceedings. Over 2,800 Chinese journal titles from 1991- are available.

Join Our Library Team – Part-Time Student Helper Positions!
Are you in search of an exhilarating part-time opportunity right here on campus? Look no further than The Library! We are excited to announce diverse student helper positions that promise more than just a job – they offer a chance to contribute to your fellow classmates and embark on a learning journey.

Beyond the Library Collection : HKALL & ILL (InterLibrary Loan)
Library Access Services plays an important role in helping you find and access a wide range of resources and information – including materials which are not in our building or collections. Two vital services available to you are HKALL and ILL (InterLibrary Loan).

Researchers Series: Surfing the Rapids – Negotiating Change
The philosopher Heraclitus (c. 535- 475 BCE) is credited with saying “everything changes, nothing stands still”. This is true throughout life; and at universities, the pace of change seems very fast indeed! Ideas, methods, and tools are in constant flux. The Researchers Series exists to help HKUST researchers negotiate – or navigate – the rapids of the river of changes you face every day.

Library Coffee Mugs!
Get your own HKUST Library mug at the Circulation Counter! They’re perfect for studying or hiking, indoors or outside.

Tech Item Kiosk Usage
The Library launched a new self-service “Tech Item Kiosk” in March. The Kiosk is in the Learning Commons and holds 99 items – which you can borrow and return at any hour without needing Help Desk staff. Usage statistics show a tremendous increase of tech item loans in Spring 2023, compared to when it needed staff help with limited hours.

LG5 Project Status
Exciting news – there will soon be a new entrance to the Library from LG5! As part of the major renovations of LG5, the University included plans to more directly connect the Library to the student residence halls and canteens.

Research Bridge – Growing & Changing For Your Needs
Our Research Bridge blog strives to provide a bridge of knowledge for researchers. It helps you stay up to date with the latest trends in research practice, scholarly communication, and research workflow.

Study Pods – A New Option For You!
The Library is always looking for ways to improve the study environment for you. So we made some changes this summer which we think you will like – a lot!
© 2023 HKUST Library
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