Building a Better Study Environment Together

Sign for Library Etiquettes

Sign for Library Etiquettes

We have received feedback about loud chatter and gaming, especially in the Learning Commons. To maintain a serene study space, we have increased patrols and added signage to remind everyone of our Library etiquette.

Let’s work together to create a positive study environment for all!


Keep Voices Low

Keep Voices Low

Remember, the Library is for studying, not socializing. Your respect helps everyone succeed!

Enjoy Snacks in the Refreshment Zone

Enjoy Snacks in the Refreshment Zone

Please eat only in designated area to keep our study spaces clean.

Don’t Occupy Seats with Personal Items

Don’t Occupy Seats with Personal Items

Use lockers for your belongings so everyone can find a seat.

Together, we can enhance our learning environment! Thank you for your cooperation! ✨

We welcome your suggestions on improving the study space.

Eunice Wong
Manager (Learning Support)


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