Temperature Heatmap on Library Floor Plans

Temperature Heatmap on Library Floor Plan

I am excited to introduce the latest innovation in the HKUST Library: a heatmap that shows the temperature across various areas of the library.

Imagine this: you are looking for a quiet corner to dive into your studies, but you want to avoid areas that might be too cold or too warm. With our temperature heatmap, you can easily see which parts of the library are more comfortable for you.

Temperature Heatmap on Library Floor Plan
Temperature Heatmap on Library Floor Plan

This project was developed by our student helper, Jessie Lou (Year 3, BSc in Data Science and Technology) in the 2023/24 summer semester. We are grateful for her contributions!

The library listened to users’ feedback that we collected from LibQUAL+ survey, about Library users’ concerns about the temperature. I am also glad to leverage technology to improve your library experience. We hope you find this new tool helpful. Please open the links below to try it and see the project details.

Library Temperature Heatmap (Beta): https://lbapps.hkust.edu.hk/heatmap/index.html

For more details, implementation method, and source code, please visit the Digital Scholarship DS CoLab website: https://library.hkust.edu.hk/ds/project/s001/

Terry Yip
Librarian (Systems & Digital Services)

Views: 107

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