What is this? The Mace of HKUST!

What is the Mace?

If you have ever been to one of the congregation ceremonies at HKUST, you might be wondering ─ what is that long stick the procession leader is carrying? A staff of some sort, perhaps, but what is it for? Despite its unconventional appearance, this is the University’s ceremonial mace. Most universities have a ceremonial mace…

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Practicing Mindfulness great series graphic from Kanopy subscription

Kanopy is Kool!

Kanopy is a streaming video database the Library subscribes to for you. I knew about it before, but I never really explored it until recently. There’s a lot more there than I thought, and it’s also much easier to use than I thought! Access to Kanopy is available from a web browser, or from a…

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Revisiting the story of a 1644 Ming Dynasty map

Old maps are visually beautiful; and they carry a lot of interesting stories. The Library hosted a 3-day research symposium last December with map historians from local and overseas institutions. One really memorable talk in the symposium was about this famous Chinese map dated 1644, the year the Ming Empire collapsed: <天下九邊分野人跡路程全圖> (A comprehensive map…

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