HKUST Library Digital Scholarship Digital Preservation

Digital preservation

Handbooks & resources

Some guidelines from other organizations are available for you to ensure your digital content are well-preserved and aligned with industry practices.

By the Library of Congress
This site provides information about the digital preservation efforts at the Library of Congress, including relevant reports, events, tools, and open-source software related to digital content packaging, sustainable digital file formats, metadata and more.

By Digital Preservation Coalition
This handbook is peer-reviewed and freely accessible to all. It covers topics such as preservation planning, institutional policies and strategies, legal compliance, metadata and documentation, audit and certification, digital forensics, tool demos, and more.

By Europeana
This handbook provides procedural steps and connects to useful tools for each step in the process of Digitization, including planning, selection, digitization, preparation for publication, publishing online, and data management.

UNESCO PERSIST is part of the Preservation Sub-Committee within the Memory of the World Programme. It aims to support joint actions for achieving long-term preservation and access to digital Documentary Heritage.

By Digital Preservation Coalition
This model is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool that has been designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability and drive continuous progress.

It is important to respect intellectual property rights and adhere to copyright laws and regulations. You are solely responsible to ensure you have rights or obtained permission from copyright owner(s) before digitizing materials. To assist you in navigating copyright considerations, here is a guide for your reference:

Please also read the HKUST Library’s Statement on Copyright for details.

Contact us

For other enquiries or to seek collaborations, please contact us.