The Library’s Access Policy

The Library’s New Access Policy

Ever since the Library opened its doors in 1991, HKUST has been proud of the Library’s “Open Access” policy. We are the only UGC-funded academic library keeping our doors open. However new situations require us to review our physical access practice. Our user population has increased. The number of users entering the Library has jumped about 30% since 2012. The new housing projects nearby will add several thousand occupants in the neighborhood.

Due to strong demand and keen competition for limited study spaces, the Library has reviewed and revised the access policy. New entry gates will be installed in late April at the G/F entrance and “Card Access” will be required at all times starting on 9th May 2016. Library users are reminded to bring their university IDs / library cards for every visit to the Library. Non-HKUST users with research needs may apply for a Reader’s Card or a Borrower’s Card. Only during summer and winter breaks will non-card-holders be allowed to enter the Library, if they provide their personal information. Access to the Learning Commons after the Library closes will be strictly restricted to current HKUST students and staff only.

The Library’s primary commitment is to serve our current students and staff. These new changes will ensure the Library™s space, collections, and services are not overstrained. The Library will monitor the access once the new entry gates are installed and review the situation in due course. For enquiry, please contact the Circulation Department at 2358-6772 or email to


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