Pods in Translation: A Witty Exploration of Chinese Label for Study Pods

study pods

Study Pods / 研習亭 In September, we asked you to suggest a Chinese label for the new study pods on LG1 – and we received 128 responses. After much deliberation, Library Administration team decided to label the study pods 研習亭, taking into consideration the nature (space for research & study), intended use (for individual and group), and shape of the pods.

Among our suggested labels (自修亭/艙, 研習艙, 學習艙, 智能會議艙), the most popular choice was 自修艙 (33 votes), followed by 自修亭 (19 votes).

We are amazed by your creativity and would like to share some of your witty suggestions below.

  • 自修「停」唔「老黎」 🤔;「艙」又會聯想到暗瘡的「瘡」😖,如「壓力瘡」。所以我建議用「自修小屋」🏠,比「自修室」多一種溫馨的感覺,而且「屋」給人安全感 🥰,亦可令人好奇 「小屋」在哪。
  • 小智囊(大智若愚,小智若囊hhh)🤗
  • 自閉艙 / 自闭小桌 / 自闭亭 / 自修太空艙
  • 孤方讀想 / 獨讀艙 😝
  • 摺拉 /摺拉把 🤣
  • 学习胶囊 / 灵感胶囊 💊
  • 創思亭 / 巧思亭
  • 研討間 / 隔音研習艙
  • 学习豆子 🫒
  • 讀書蛋🥚
  • 專注間
  • 渡学舱
  • 靜習小屋
  • 盤思洞
  • 博站
  • 溫習方艙
  • 師仁空間👍
  • 鴻鵠亭 🦢

Thank you to all who responded, 6 winners were drawn from the lucky draw to win a Library mug.

Eunice Wong
Learning Support Manager


Views: 321

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