What is this? The Mace of HKUST!

What is the Mace?

If you have ever been to one of the congregation ceremonies at HKUST, you might be wondering ─ what is that long stick the procession leader is carrying? A staff of some sort, perhaps, but what is it for? Despite its unconventional appearance, this is the University’s ceremonial mace. Most universities have a ceremonial mace…

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Photos of broken TVs in study rooms with dates

3 TVs in LC Study Rooms were Damaged

We have 13 TV monitors in the Learning Commons group study rooms, each with an HDMI cable for you to connect your laptop or tablet to facilitate discussion. Unfortunately, after the Chinese New Year holidays, 3 TVs (namely LC-05, LC-16, LC-18) were found broken within seven days (from February 20-26). Upon examination, we found that…

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Student commentary in the idea corner

Foggy Dai Hok!

I love bi-lingual puns! Today at the Idea Corner, I saw this witty commentary on yesterday’s weather. This is a play on the Cantonese name for HKUST: 香港科技大學 香[heung1]港[gong2]科[fo1]技[gei6]大[daai6]學[hok6] 科[fo1]技[gei6] =  sounds like Foggy It made me chuckle. Today, it’s still a bit foggy, but beautiful. Let’s embrace the name 🙂        …

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Chinese Maps Meet Minecraft

If you haven’t checked out the Library Exhibition “China In Maps 500 Years of Evolving Images” yet, you’re missing out! This introduction video is just the beginning of an exciting journey. You’ll find an excellent example of how students can take their learning to the next level. Meet Delores Yip and Felicia Pang, two Year…

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