Meet George

George - the Library Tree

George - the Library Tree

In early 2011, dirt came to the Library Garden.

Then in the Summer, came the plants.

Including an odd-looking tree.

The tree needed bamboo supports to survive the coming typhoons.

Library Garden - dirt insalled Plants going in Unnamed tree Bamboo supporting tree

The tree survived several severe typhoons, the first being just two days after being planted.  And after falling over during a Signal 10 typhoon in 2012 and being pushed back up by CMO staff, it received a name.

I was looking at the sad, determined tree, and remembered a Bugs Bunny cartoon, where a monster grabbed Bugs and said something like “I will hug him, and squeeze him and call him George!”  The storms certainly hugged and squeezed, and so the tree became George.

And even though the recent Signal 10 Typhoon of 2023 ripped off one of his branches, George still stands determinedly in the Library Garden.

Stop by and say hello sometime.

Another view of George

Edward Spodick
Associate Director of Library Services

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