As part of our efforts to provide service excellence to the University community, the Library conducted a Services Quality Survey among current students, faculty, and staff from 2 November to 7 December 2015.
The Survey was a joint project of 6 libraries at UGC-funded institutions (JULAC libraries), using LibQUAL+®, a survey instrument developed by the Association of Research Libraries that is widely adopted by libraries worldwide. This was the third library services quality survey conducted on a consortial basis, allowing a comparative analysis of our services with our peer institutions in Hong Kong.
For questions about the Survey, contact Ms Alice Ho (, Administrative Services Manager of HKUST Library.
Survey Results
For complete Survey results, see the result notebooks produced by LibQUAL+®.
Key findings of the Survey are highlighted in the following sections.
Response Rates
3,518 HKUST undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff (library staff excluded) completed the Survey. Below is a breakdown of respondents by user groups, based on respondents’ response to the demographic questions at the end of the Survey.
Service Scores
LibQUAL+® measures three dimensions of service quality:
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Respondents were asked to give their ratings for 22 core questions on 3 scales in 3 dimensions of service quality:
- Minimum level of service they are willing to accept
- Desired level of service they would like to receive
- Perceived level of service they are provided.
The Library achieved 7.01 for Perceived level of service, which is the highest compared to previous scores in 2011 and 2007.
The following table summarizes the mean scores of HKUST library and JULAC participating libraries in terms of service adequacy and service superiority.
(JULAC: libraries at HKUST, PolyU, CityU, HKIEd., HKBU, Lingnan)
“Adequacy Mean Score” indicates the extent to which the library is meeting the expectations of our users (Adequacy Mean Score = Perceived Mean Score – Minimum Mean Score). The higher the Adequacy Mean Score, the better the library is performing.
“Superiority Mean Score” indicates the extent to which the library is exceeding the desired expectations of our users (Superiority Mean Score = Perceived Mean Score – Desired Mean Score). The smaller the negative Superiority Mean Score, the closer to the superiority level the library is performing.
HKUST Library has received good scores for the 3 service dimensions, and they are significantly better than the JULAC group scores.
Written Comments
The Survey included an open-ended comment box for respondents to fill out their qualitative remarks. We received 1,483 comments out of the 3,518 completed surveys (about 42%). Over 25% of these comments were solely positive, and many more combined suggestion with appreciations:
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Action Plans
The Library has reviewed and followed up on all comments received from the LibQUAL+® Survey. See our action plans by referring to the following three sections:
Our Thanks
To show our appreciation to those who participated in our Survey, 58 prize winners were randomly drawn from a lucky draw. Prizes were presented to the winners on 15 December 2015.
Congratulations to all the prize winners.
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Prize Winners and the University Librarian |
- See more photos at the following link:
last modified 31 December 2019