HKUST Library’s Instruction Program
Mission: Develop students’ information and data literacy abilities to strengthen and support their powers of analysis, creativity, and rationality as they seek, find, select, modify, and create knowledge effectively and ethically across their lives.
Program: Our information and data literacy program for UGs and PGs is based on a set of intended learning outcomes (ILOs) offered by a mixture of workshops and self-directed online learning materials (Library Guides, e-learning videos & games).
Want to arrange a library workshop or Guide? Email the Learning Support Manager, Eunice Wong, or contact one of the subject librarians to arrange information and data literacy support, to embed in your program or course.
Undergraduate (UG) Program
To develop information and data literacy (research skills), the Research and Learning Support team works closely with university offices, programs, and individual faculty members to embed library instructions in undergraduate programs and courses.
New Students In DSTO’s New Student Orientation
- Help new students familiarize themselves with the information and research environment, search tools, & services available at a university
Year 1 & Common Core Courses
- Lay the foundations of information literacy for UGs: searching, evaluating, and using reliable information and data
- Work closely with instruction and program leaders
Year 2 – 4
- Build up students’ ability to navigate and use the information environment in their subject disciplines
- Build on previous learning to enable students to do independent research in their disciplines and start to contribute knowledge to their fields
Some of these collaborations are “deep” collaboration, using methods such as multiple workshops, students submitting required research plans and having coaching sessions with librarians, and librarian-faculty member shared assessment of student work.
The page on Library’s Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) for its program also has some examples of co-developed rubrics.
Postgraduate (PG) Program
The Researchers’ Series is the Library’s program for researchers. It covers topics that relate to 6 stages in the research cycle. Some sessions are qualified for Professional Development Course for RPGs. Check the PDC System for status. Recordings for selected workshops are also available here.
1. Search & Discovery
2. Data Collection & Analysis
- Data Visualization with Tableau – an Intro
- Mining text with Voyant tool: an intro
- Web Scraping for Non-Technical Researchers (modules 1 & 2)
5. Publishing & Intellectual Property
Open Workshops
Research & Learning Support team offers a variety of open workshops & tutorials to the entire HKUST community on different databases or topics.
Stay tuned to our workshop announcements on Library webpage and University’s Calendar. The Library also collaborates with JULAC (a consortium of university libraries in Hong Kong) and database vendors to deliver workshops. Some collaborations include:
E-Discovery Week
A library event that aims to promote high-quality e-resources available to the HKUST community.
JULAC Webinar Series
- CNKI (2022)
- Factiva (2022)
- BrowZine & LibKey Nomad (March 2023)
InfoLit for U
An asynchronous MOOC on information literacy created by JULAC libraries.
The Library Data Analytics page provides data on workshops delivered and data on the Library’s e-learning videos and game use.
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