Issue No. 127
February 2023
Library Support For Open Access Publishing
Open Access (OA) publishing is part of the world-wide initiative for Open Science. Its goal is to make research results available to everyone across the world, rich or poor: research as a public good. If more people have access to research results (rather than it being stuck behind paywalls), it will have greater impact; and humanity can increase the pace of developing its overall knowledge, skills, and (hopefully) wisdom.
OA as a movement does not rely solely on good will. In recent years, organizations around the world have required that the results of research they fund be made available via OA. Locally, the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2021 launched an open access plan and mandate.
In the current academic publishing world, OA usually takes two pathways: Gold and Green.
Gold : Your work is immediately accessible at the publisher’s website, usually after the payment of a fee, an “article processing charge” (APC). Think, Gold = money.
Green : You share a pre-published version of your article on a subject-based archive like ArXiv, bioRxiv, RePEc, etc., or in an institutional repository like HKUST’s SPD – often after a certain time set by the publisher (an “embargo period”).
Green OA Support
To comply with the RGC’s OA plan, HKUST’s senior administration adopted a policy over a year ago requiring HKUST researchers to deposit their “author accepted manuscript” (AAM) to the SPD within 6 months of publication. The Library has a guide to help you with this process.
Gold OA Support
HKUST Library and Cambridge University Press (CUP) just finished the second year of a three year agreement (2021-24) which allows HKUST authors to publish open access articles in over 300 CUP journals with APCs waived. In the first two years of the agreement, 16 HKUST articles have been published this way (7 in 2021 and 9 in 2022), providing substantial savings for HKUST.
As a member of the SCOAP3 partnership, HKUST researchers can also publish open access articles in key High-Energy Physics journals seamlessly, with no action is required by the author.
Most recently, HKUST and the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) entered into an agreement allowing HKUST authors unlimited OA publishing in three subscribed AIMS journals: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series A, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, and Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S.
The Library’s Researchers’ Series also offers workshops on authorship and intellectual property, guides on OA, author tips, and news and information on OA.
Collection Spotlight: Database Expansions and New Arrivals
Airiti Library – This new database provides the full-text of academic Chinese periodicals and conference proceedings mainly published in Taiwan from 1991. It fills an important collection gap. Explore the database at https://lbdiscover.hkust.edu.hk/bib/991013117357103412.
AMS eBook Archive 1894 to 2022 – AMS, the American Mathematical Society, is one of the world’s most respected mathematical book publishers. In January, the Library added unlimited access to over 4,700 AMS e-titles including books, conference proceedings, and dissertations published from 1894 to 2022. These titles support unlimited access and offer a number of friendly features, such as chapter level downloading. If you have research, teaching, and learning needs in areas such as mathematics and computer science, visit “AMS – American Mathematical Society” in the library catalog.
Annual Reviews – The Library’s subscription to Annual Reviews has recently expanded to the complete collection. Now, with access to all 51 Annual Review journals, from Analytical Chemistry to Economics to Psychology, you can easily gain a thorough understanding of a topic or keep abreast of your field (https://www.annualreviews.org/pb-assets/ar-site/about-us/connect-with-our-numbers-1652337072250.png). Explore the database at https://lbdiscover.hkust.edu.hk/bib/991013138354803412.
Wall Street Journal Online – In September last year, we upgraded our Wall Street Journal Online subscription from 2 concurrent users to 2,200 individual accounts. Account holders get unlimited access to WSJ.com, WSJ mobile apps, curated newsletters and podcasts, and enjoy the personalized features available through them. Create your WSJ account now at https://lbdiscover.hkust.edu.hk/db/wsj.
Research and Learning Support
As you come back after the Lunar New Year holiday, you will see a new office on the G/F: Research and Learning Support (RLS).
Who are we? We are a team of over a dozen professional librarians and support staff dedicated to support research and learning at HKUST.
What does RLS do? We work to help HKUST people develop and improve their abilities to use and add to the world of data, information, and knowledge. Basically, we are helpers, guides, or coaches on your learning and research journeys.
That’s nice, but what does it mean?
Information & Data Literacy Learning & Support – We work with individual faculty members, academic support units and programs to offer relevant and useful learning: individual workshops (mostly course embedded, and some with deep collaboration), the Researchers Series, online guides, and videos and games to the HKUST Community to help them teach, learn, research, and create new information and knowledge in the University and the world outside.
Research & Data Support – We provide HKUST with research services through HKUST SPD – The Institutional Repository. There we develop and maintain HKUST’s research output and offer data management services through DMPTool@HKUST and DataSpace@HKUST.
We also maintain a blog, Research Bridge, to keep you up-to-date on issues in research and scholarly communication across the world. And we provide a citation certification service and other forms of research support.
How do we do it? In the words of the late great Jimmy Reed, “anyway you wanna”, (well, almost…).
We answer individual queries from everyone in the HKUST community (no questions too big or too small) via lbref@ust.hk, phone 2358-6760, and WhatsApp 9701-1055.
You are welcome to contact your subject librarian for help, or just stop by the RLS office on the G/F and say hello.
Hospital Authority Data Available
The Library and Research Office have set up a Hospital Authority Data Collaboration Lab (HADCL) on LG1. Here, researchers can remotely access structured data from around 200,000 patients randomly selected from the patient population of 2007 and 2017. The platform provides high-quality sample data for researchers to draft hypotheses and proposals for health big data research.
Apply for access to the HADCL through the Research Office at https://ro.hkust.edu.hk/funding-opportunities/1266.
Book and Media Displays
Do you want some good reads before getting too busy this spring term? Two thematic displays have been set up for your enjoyment:
Award-Winning Books and Movies (in front of the big wall, Library G/F)
Award-winning books and movies never fail to arrest people’s attention. We have handpicked around 400 book and media titles from a good range of literary and movie awards:
- 魯迅文學獎
- 亞洲週刊中文十大好書
- Booker Prize
- Pulitzer Prizes
- Cannes Film Festival Awards
- Golden Horse Awards and more
Dive into any of these excellent works and discover a whole new world at https://lbapps.hkust.edu.hk/highlights/award-books-movies.
Xi Xi (next to the Popular Books collection, Library G/F)
Xi Xi (西西) was one of the most important Hong Kong authors who published over forty works including novels, poems, and screenplays in the last six decades. This book display is set up to commemorate Xi Xi and showcase some of her best-known works. Learn more at https://lbapps.hkust.edu.hk/highlights/xixi.
In March, we will launch displays on new themes, such as Cooking and Food Culture. Stay tuned!
Facilities Updates
As always, the Library works continuously to improve available facilities.
New Chairs – 100 new task chairs were received to replace some worn and broken ones on LG1 and LG4. This is an ongoing process due to heavy use of the Library and our furniture – and while the budget groans, we are very happy to see the return of high occupancy throughout the Library.
IC Large Interactive Monitor – The ageing projector used in the G/F IC Learning Space has been replaced with an 85” Samsung Flip interactive monitor. We had to strengthen the wall for it to be able to hold the extra weight, but the improved functionality should be helpful for small classes and programs using that room.
Discussion Room Upgrade for DH Collaborations – Media and Discussion Room 2 is receiving a secondary monitor for use during scheduled collaboration sessions between the Digital Humanities Specialist and her students.
LG4 Compact Shelving Section Upgrade – Another section of the LG4 compact shelving has been upgraded with all-new electronics. This is part of an ongoing multi-year project to upgrade all the compact shelving as their electronic components reach end-of-life.
Microforms Collection Relocation – The microform collection on LG1 is now being relocated to compact shelving on LG4. This will free up some additional study space in the 24-hour-capable Learning Commons Extension. We are also planning to experiment with some new furniture options there this summer.
Systems Updates – SSO, ArcGIS,+
Integrating HKUST SSO service with more Library web applications
Starting on January 17, the sign-on for off-campus access to subscription e-resources (EZProxy) changed to the “HKUST SSO Service”. This change makes your login experience the same as for most other web applications that have been integrated with this Single Sign-On (SSO) service. You log in with your primary email address and use 2-factor authentication (2FA). More information about off-campus access to subscription resources can be found at https://library.hkust.edu.hk/collections-resources/databases/ezproxy.
Integrating SSO with more library systems and applications is being rolled out soon, including My Library Account, Library Room, Computer & Equipment Booking, etc. After integration, you will not need to type your login every time for accessing multiple applications.
Tools to support your digital humanities content creation
The Library has gathered a variety of popular tools to support digital humanities in different phases of the curation process:
- Data cleaning, analysis, and visualization
- Prototyping and UI design
- Storytelling and publishing
More information can be found at https://digitalhumanities.hkust.edu.hk/resources.
Selected open-source and subscription-based tools including ArcGIS, Audacity, Gephi, OpenRefine, StoryMaps, Tableau, etc. are now available on all workstations in E-learning Classroom B on LG1. A list of available tools can be found at https://library.hkust.edu.hk/services/facilities/software.
New Library Service Available On HKUST Student App
HKUST Student App is a convenient tool to access both academic and non-academic resource.
In the latest release in January, your Library loans/requests are integrated into the app, in Easy Living. In addition to the My Library Account web page, you can now quickly view your loans and requests in the Student App – and renew borrowed books or view the status of your requests.
In addition, you probably have already tried the Library Room Booking service in Easy Living. With this function, it is quick and easy to check the real-time availability of different Library facilities – group study rooms, 3D printers, nap pods, etc. – and book them.
Learn more about the HKUST Student App features and download it at https://studentapp.hkust.edu.hk.
Rabbit image ©2023 Sophie Thompson
last modified 01 February 2023