The Library has reviewed and followed up on all comments received from the LibQUAL+® Survey. Action plans are formulated for making sustainable changes and developing services that better meet users’ expectation.
The following outlines our actions:
Affect of Service
- The Library has received numerous compliments praising our staff’s attitude and helpfulness. We will continue reminding our staff of the importance of good customer services and providing appropriate staff training to ensure efficient, friendly and responsive services.
- In response to comments about noise, seating situation and improper user behavior, we will conduct more frequent patrols especially during mid-term and final exams while reviewing our current patrol and rule enforcement practice. We will continue reminding users that 1/F Theses Room is a “Deep Silent Zone” and LG3 is the “Silent Study Floor”. Library users are encouraged to contact Library staff if they find any inconsiderate users.
- We have launched a new Roving Service in Spring 2016. Library staff are stationed on every floor to provide timely assistance.The academic libraries of eight local tertiary institutions have agreed to increase the loan quotas of HKALL with the effect from Jan 2016. For faculty members and research support staff, loan quota was increased from 20 to 30. For students and staff, loan quota was changed from 10 to 15. We will also review our own loan policy to explore the feasibility of relaxing loan periods.
- The Library has rolled out the library accessibility services plan to assist users with special needs to locate information, retrieve materials, access services and use library facilities.
- We will review our interlibrary loan (ILL) polices, such as request quotas and overseas renewals, to seek ways to meet users’ demand. In recent years, a number of large libraries and resource sharing systems have become our reciprocal partners, providing free documents to us. This has hugely increased the amount of resources we could reach. However, our ILL partners are not commercial suppliers and cannot offer direct downloading of documents to satisfy some users’ immediate needs. Nevertheless, we will look into the possibility of providing a new option for users to request online purchasing of articles via the publisher’s website.
- We understand the demand for more 24-hour study area in particular during exam periods. The Library opens to 12 midnight during exams. We have piloted to open all of LG1 area for 24 hours during study breaks and exam periods in Spring and Fall 2015. We will continue this practice to open all of LG1 area for 24 hours on public holidays during term time when the Library is closed.
- There were requests for Information Literacy sessions (workshops) which revealed some lack of awareness of what is already available and open workshops. We will look into ways to promote to users what instruction is available and also encourage them to contact us for organizing sessions and request help via WhatsApp (9701-1055), phone (2358-6760), email (, online form, or walk-up.
- Comments on Library exhibitions and talks were positive. We will continue our efforts in promoting arts on campus and supporting whole person development. We will look into ways of promoting these out-of-class activities among members of the University.
- We are in the process of revamping the Library Website to make it more user focused and easier to navigate. The new and stylish interface will be released in September this year.
- We will arrange for Library staff to patrol around printing facilities on each floor to enhance face-to-face assistance.
- The Library will explore ways to enhance user instructions on using PowerSearch for searching specific library materials and requesting items. We will also explore options to refine the user interface to enhance user experience.
- The Library has received funding to replace those aging computers in the Information Commons. Installation of new Windows and iMac computers will be completed by the end of this summer.
- We will explore the possibility of adding some third-party input methods to the public computers.
Information Control
- The Library will undertake a major weeding exercise to refresh our ageing Media collection and acquire new content in new formats.
- The Library’s patron driven ebook acquisition program, introduced since late 2012, is hugely popular. Users are exposed to a wide range of ebooks, and that only high-used titles will be purchased. The Library will strategically expand the program to increase the diversity and quality of titles delivered.
- The Library will review specific/general resources mentioned by users and fine-tune our acquisition plan.
- Due to annual inflation and high costs of subscription resources, the Library will carefully consider adding new journals and databases requested by users.
- To encourage leisure reading, the Library will acquire a bigger variety of popular books in printed and kindle formats. Promotional efforts will be made.
Library as Place
- The Library will install new entry gates on the G/F and implement “Card Access” at all times. Students, staff, faculty, family members, and alumni are reminded to bring their University IDs to the Library. Non-HKUST users with research needs could apply for a Reader’s Card or a Borrower’s Card. Only during summer and winter breaks, non-HKUST users will be allowed to enter the Library if they provide personal information. However, the new access policy may not safeguard users’ property. Valuables left unattended in the Library make tempting targets for theft. Users are reminded that it is their responsibility to keep their valuables with them at all times (including taking washroom breaks).
last modified 12 August 2016