Expanded Support for Open Access Books
Expanded Support for Open Access Books
This year the Library expanded its open access plans with publishers to books with JSTOR Path to Open and SCOAP3.
Read more about Open Access Books
2023 - 2024

Open Access Books
This year, the Library expanded its open access plans with publishers to books with JSTOR Path to Open and SCOAP3.
JSTOR Path to Open is a 3-year pilot which delivers exclusive immediate access to hundreds of quality titles from important university presses as soon as they are published.
- Releasing the first 100 titles in fall 2023, with 300 new titles added each year starting in 2024.
- Three years after publication, all titles will be released openly to readers worldwide.
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP³) has a new program for books in particle physics and neighboring fields such as accelerator physics and instrumentation. As of date, 90 key textbooks and books are transitioned to open access.
2023 - 2024