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地理圖 Dili Tu


地理圖口口口口口郡邑亦詳且明矣 In this map [we represented the territory of the Song state]. The prefectures and cities have also been shown in details and with clarity.
則又取契丹女貞之地 口口口口口 Furthermore we have taken the lands of the Khitan (Liao) and Nuzhen (Jin) [and represented them accurately].
南北形勢使人觀之可以感可以憤然亦口口口口口也 This situation of the South and the North will move to anger those who observe it [because of the loss of the Northern territories] and yet […].
九服之地自開闢以來, 未之有改而距離口口口口不同 The territory of the nine domains has not changed since the beginning but its coalescing and diverging has been […] not the same.
周秦之世分而為六 Under the Zhou and Qin it was divided into six parts [the kingdoms of Wei, Han, Zhao, Chu, Yan, Qi].
漢魏以後裂而為三口口口江而南北之勢成 After the Han and the Wei it fragmented into three […] and the contrast between the South and the North was established.
祿山叛唐而五季之亂起 Then [An] Lushan rose in revolt against the Tang and the troubles of the Five Dynasty started.
回視三代兩漢, 能以天下為一統者僅十一耳 If one looks back at the Three dynasties and the two Han dynasties, only one out of ten times the empire could be unified.
將天時有否泰口口君德有厚薄歟 Because the times assigned by Heaven are sometimes bad, sometimes good […] and [ruler’s] virtue is sometimes strong, sometimes weak.
奚其治少而亂多若此哉. 此可以感口口 And yet why is it like this, that order is rare and chaos prevalent? This can […]
土壤北屬幽燕以長城為境舊矣 Since antiquity the territory in the North belongs the district of You Yan and its limit is the Great Wall.
至五代時石口口口口六州之地以賂契丹 But during the Five Dynasties Shi [Jingtang 石敬瑭 ruler of the Later Jin 後晉] took six districts and gave them to the Khitan.
而幽薊朔易之境不復為吾口口口口百餘年口 And the districts of You, Ji, Shuo and Yi ceased to be [part of the empire] for more than a hundred year.
國朝自口藝 (祖) 皇帝, 櫛風沐雨平定海內 Our dynasty starts with Emperor Yi Zu, who combed by wind and rain [relentlessly on the move] conquered the territory within the sea.
取蜀取江南取吳越取廣東 He got Shu and the Jiangnan, he got Wu, Yue and Guangdong.
又取河北獨河東數府之地與幽薊相接堅壁不下 He also got Hebei, but many districts of Hedong [Shanxi] did not submit to him, as they are connected to You and Ji like solid ramparts.
王師再駕訖無成功, 群臣欲上一統尊號 The Emperor made a new expedition and it still ended without success, so when his subjects wanted to hail him with the title of Supreme Unifier.
藝祖曰河東未下幽薊未復, 何一統之有? Yizu said: “Hedong has not submitted and You and Ji have not yet been regained, how could there be a real unification?
終謙遜不敢當也 So in the end he modestly refused not daring to accept the title.
蓋至[太]宗之世王師三駕 Then under Taizong there were three more expeditions.
河東始平而幽薊之地卒為契丹所(有) 不能復也 The Hedong was initially all pacified but in the end You and Ji remained and the Khitan and could not be recovered.
則(祖) 宗之所以創造王業混一區宇者其難如此 These then were the difficulties of Taizong in establishing the Royal enterprise and in unifying all his territories.
乃今 (自) 關以東河以南, 綿亙萬里盡為賊區 And now all that is east of the passes and south of the Yellow River, for an unbroken stretch of ten thousand miles is all barbarians territory.
追思祖宗創開之勞可不為之流涕太息哉. 此可以憤也 If one remembers Taizong’s toil in setting up the empire one cannot but shed tears and sigh deeply for it. This is worth deep anger.
雖然(天) 地之數, 離必合,合必離, 非有一定不易之理. 顧君德何 (如) 耳. Nevertheless, it is the norm ruling heaven and earth that brings to unity what is separate, and separates what is united; there is no principle which is fixed and immutable. One should take into account most of all the virtue of the ruler.
湯以七十裡, 文王以百里, 有天下. 豈以地大民眾之 口哉 Tang, who only had seventy li of land, and Wen who only had one hundred, obtained all under Heaven. How could it be about relying on a large territory and a large population?
以往事觀之則吾今日所以為資者視湯文何啻百[倍]. If one looks at the present situation with reference to the events of the past, aren’t our present resources hundreds of times larger than Tang’s and Wei’s?
口能修德行政, 上感天心下悅人意 If we can practice our virtue and enact a good government, moving the mind of Heaven above and the intents of people below.
則機會之來併吞口口, 追復故疆盡歸之版籍亦豈難哉 Then when the opportunity will come it won’t be difficult to annex all the territories, regain the old borders and bring all of it under our administration.
故曰亦可以 (作) 興(也) Therefore I say that there can be a resurgence.
漢光武披輿地圖指示鄧禹曰 Once Emperor Guangwu unfolded a map and showed it to Deng Yu saying:
天下郡縣如此其多, 今口口 其一 The prefectures and districts in the empire are so many, now [we only got] one of them,
君前言以公而慮天下不足定何也 Yet you once told me that if I wanted to conquer All under Heaven it would just happen, how?
禹對曰古 (之興) 王在德厚薄不在大小 Yu replied: “the ones who in antiquity became emperors, it was because of the extent of their virtue, not of their resources.
善哉禹之言也 Excellent, these words of Yu!
光武起田間口口口 (盡) 平郡寇克服舊物如取之囊中 Guangwu rose from among the fields [=out of the center of power], and yet to pacify the prefectures and conquer and regain his old inheritance, was easy like taking an object out of a purse.
抑禹之言有以感發之耶 It was clearly Yu’s words that moved him and set him on course.
孟子曰以力口口口有大國 Mengzi said: “By means of force [one can] obtain a big country.
以德行仁者王. 王不待大. By means of virtue to enact humane actions, one gets to be a ruler. To be a ruler one doesn’t need to have great resources.
自今觀之禹之言口口口口口口口真可為中興之龜鑑也 If one applies these considerations to the present situation […], Yu’s words can really serve as an omen and a guide for resurgence.
故併書之圖末, 庶幾觀者亦有所感發焉 That’s why I have written this at the bottom of the map, so that perhaps those looking at it will be moved and set on the right course.
右四圖兼山黃公為嘉邸翊善日所進也 The four maps above have been presented by Huang of Jianshan when he was tutor to prince Jia [who became Emperor Ningzong 寧宗 in 1194].
致遠舊得以本于蜀司臬 I, [Wang] Zhiyuan, found them in a Law Office in Sichuan.
右浙因摹刻以永其傳 I got them copied and carved in Western Zhejiang, to ensure their permanent transmission.
淳祐丁末仲冬東嘉王致遠書 Written by Wang Zhiyuan from Dongjia in the second Winter Month of the dingwei year of the Chunyou era [1247].
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last modified 26 April 2021