The long-anticipated arrival of the double cohort of first year UGs brought challenges and excitement. Following a successful pilot collaboration with the Center for Language Education (CLE) in 2011/12, integrating information literacy instruction into 1st and 2nd year language courses continued and grew. Librarians from Reference and Technical Services taught 84 sessions to 2,870 1st year LANG 1001/1002 students.
In addition, Searching Research Literature Effectively and Academic Integrity & Intellectual Property were offered as a trial run for next year’s Professional Development Course series for RPGs. Overall, library staff gave328 library sessions to 8,321 staff & students (which included other classes for CLE programs, course-related instruction, and open workshops).
To supplement face-to-face instruction and enhance student learning, many course guides were created, often embedded with interactive e-learning objects, such as What is a Citation? and How to Cite in APA Style. Online quizzes were also incorporated into LANG 1001 and 1002 course sites on LMES, helping reinforce learning and test understanding.
In order to enhance our ability to provide excellent information literacy programs and teaching; HKUST Library hosted the first ACRL Immersion Program in Asia, also attended by colleagues from other institutions.