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photo of 2 women near some of the "totem poles" from So-Lan's exhibition


photo of 2 women near some of the "totem poles" from So-Lan's exhibition

Exhibitions 2012-13

Three Exhibitions were organized, including “Gorgeous China, The Colorful West”, by Mr Jin Shouxian, along with a well-received Gallery Tour and 3 Talks, with over 250 attendees. “So-lan’s Totem” by Ms So-lan Chiu, who also gave a Gallery Tour, three talks for HKUST members, and more than 10 private talks and tours ( 200+ attended). She also donated five of her works to the Library. “Our Miracle Continues – A Visual Presentation”, was a re-run of the HKUST 20th Anniversary Exhibition and a popular stopping point for VIPs and guests.

2012 - 2013

photo of Philip Yeung and another man standing in front of the Book Talk banner

Book Talks

photo of Philip Yeung and another man standing in front of the Book Talk banner

6 Book Talks in 2012-13

The Library hosted six Book Talks:

2012 - 2013

graphic with combined logos of the Library of Congress, RDA, the program for coopertauive cataloging, and a map of Asia

International Cooperation

graphic with combined logos of the Library of Congress, RDA, the program for coopertauive cataloging, and a map of Asia

International Cooperation 2012-13

The Library continued its involvement with international associations and cooperatives. We successfully maintained membership in the Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO), remaining the only member in China. We are also full members of the Cooperative Online Serials Programs (CONSER) of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). PCC is an international cooperative effort aimed at expanding access to library collections by providing useful, timely, and cost-effective cataloging that meets mutually-accepted standards of libraries around the world.

In August 2012, we successfully completed the Resource Description and Access (RDA) in NACO training by PCC and were granted independent status. The PCC coordinator sent a complimentary note: “The HKUST Library has demonstrated a high level of competence in RDA authority work, and all of this was accomplished in a very short time. This is an outstanding and commendable achievement”. In May 2013, PCC also granted us independence in Series Authority Record work.

2012 - 2013

floor plan graphic

Library Floor Plans Interface

floor plan graphic

Library Floor Plans Interface Developed

Library Systems staff developed a wide array of tools for Library users and staff.

Most important and widely used is the sophisticated Library Floor Plans interface for desktop and mobile devices. It is paired with a digital signage system, and also integrated into the SmartCAT and the University’s m.HKUST app.

2012 - 2013

architect's rendering of first floor gallery renovation

Facilities Enhancements

architect's rendering of first floor gallery renovation

Facilities Enhancements 2012-13

2012 was another busy and event-filled year for Library Facilities. Highlights included:

  • Adding an entry gate system for the Learning Commons, which enabled more secure and flexible 24-hour access
  • Adding user-controlled ceiling lighting in the ‘point’ area of LG4, allowing more flexible use of this space
  • Cutting a second door for access to the LG4 rear terrace, to reduce program interruptions and expand the availability of the terrace for students
  • Adding more study tables for the rooftop garden
  • Upgrading older group study rooms, starting with wall-mounted display screens for each room
  • Adding another couple hundred power sockets for users, especially on the LG levels
  • Swapping group study rooms from LG3 to LG4, to reduce conflict with users of the quiet floor

As expected, 334 led to increased use of the Library space and facilities, more breakdowns, and more mess. Extra cleaning was arranged, including shampooing of the Refreshment Zone carpet. In the Learning Commons, these efforts were difficult to plan around the expanded 24/7 operation.

2012 - 2013

image of conference program of the PNC (Pacific Neighborhood Consortium) 2001

Second 10 Years: 2001 - PNC Conference

image of conference program of the PNC (Pacific Neighborhood Consortium) 2001

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2001 – PNC Conference

The Library has organized 9 international symposia and conferences in tits first ten years. In 2001, it was Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference co-hosted with City University of Hong Kong, Academia Sinica in Taipei, and the California Digital Library of University of California at Berkeley.

PNC is an international body formed by institutions of higher education on the Pacific Rim to explore issues of information and technology exchange and interdisciplinary collaboration.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

image of ez-proxy access page from early 2000s

Second 10 Years: 2002 - Remote Access to Library Resources

image of ez-proxy access page from early 2000s

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2002 – Remote Access to Library Resources

The Library completed installing a transparent mechanism for authenticated remote access to the Library’s subscription resources: EZ-Proxy.

For over ten years it has allowed HKUST students, faculty, and staff to use the Library’s subscribed e-resources from any computer connected to the internet, anywhere in the world. This service is one of the most significant parts of creating a true “Library without Walls”. More information available at:

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

mash-up of institutional repository and open archive logos

Second 10 years: 2003 - HKUST Institutional Repository

mash-up of institutional repository and open archive logos

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2003 – HKUST Institutional Repository

The Library launched the HKUST Institutional Repository (, the first institutional repository in Hong Kong and Asia. Created to allow faculty to self-archive their publications, it digitally preserves HKUST’s scholarly research and makes it more accessible.

Using DSpace software, developed at MIT, it complies with the Open Archives Initiative (OAI).  This makes it easier for articles to be discovered by Web search engines, and raises HKUST’s faculty members’ visibility.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

image of December 2004 conference poster

Second 10 Years: 2004 - Conference on Institutional Repositories (IR)

image of December 2004 conference poster

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2004 – Conference on Institutional Repositories (IR)

The Open Access Initiative (OAI) attempts to regain lost access to academic publications caused by skyrocketing journal prices. One OAI is for academic institutions to collect, disseminate and preserve their scholarly output in digital format: create Institutional Repositories (IR)

On December 9-10, 2004, HKUST Library held the “International Conference on Developing Digital Institutional Repositories: Experiences and Challenges”. Jointly organized with the California Institute of Technology Libraries, the conference attracted 130 local and overseas participants.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

image of HKALL and JULAC logos combined

Second 10 Years: 2005 - HKALL Launch

image of HKALL and JULAC logos combined

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2005 – Launch of HKALL

HKALL (Hong Kong Academic Library Link) allows faculty, students and staff to borrow books directly from any of the other JULAC Libraries. Starting in 2005-06 with less than 7,000 loans and borrowing; by 2009-10 HKUST was lending over 15,000 a year to patrons at other libraries and borrowing over 16,000 per year.

This service gives HKUST students, faculty, and staff access to ~ 8,000,000 volumes from universities across Hong Kong, arriving within 3 working days of request.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

photo of students in Information Commons on the Ground Floor

Second 10 Years: 2006 - Information Commons Opens

photo of students in Information Commons on the Ground Floor

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2006 – Information Commons (綜合資訊坊) Opens

22 September 2006 saw the official opening of the Information Commons, a library service facility for the University community that combined information services and technologies to support learning beyond classroom lessons.

It is a dynamic space where students and other library users inquire, research, and learn while being able to collaborate with each other and receive support from expert staff. It pioneered this type of information and learning space at HKUST Library.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

logo of the 2007 LibQual survet

Second 10 Years: 2007 - LibQual Survey

logo of the 2007 LibQual survet

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2007 – LibQual Survey

From 15 October to 8 December 2007, HKUST Library users responded to LibQual, a  web-based survey used by academic libraries across the world, designed to define and measure user perceptions of library services.

1,887 HKUST respondents filled-out the questionnaire, rating their perceptions of service quality. In this survey, HKUST Library received better average scores than the average JULAC group scores. But, the Library is not complacent. It used the LibQual data to improve services and facilities even more.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

image of bookplate for T.K. Lin collection and bookplate for John Dolfin III collection

Second 10 Years: 2008 - T.K. Lin and John Dolfin III Collections

image of bookplate for T.K. Lin collection and bookplate for John Dolfin III collection

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2008 – Professor T. K. Lin’s (林達光) & John Dolfin III Collections

On 29 October, 2008, Library celebrated the donation of Professor Ta-Kuang Lin’s (林達光) personal collection of 5,500+ items (manuscripts, books, photos, etc.). This collection illuminates the study of contemporary China, especially the Cultural Revolution.

More information is available:

This year also saw the donation of John Dolfin III’s collection of works on ethnic minorities in China.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

2 photos of HKUST students - above, students in robes throwing hats in air; below students lined up in suits

Second 10 Years: 2009 - Library's Excellent Support to Students Recognized

2 photos of HKUST students - above, students in robes throwing hats in air; below students lined up in suits

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2009- Library’s Excellent Support to Students Recognized

In Spring 2009 the Postgraduate Studies Secretariat of the VPAA Office conducted a Research Postgraduate (RPG) Alumni Career Tracking Survey. 800+ alumni of RPG programs responded. One of the questions asked the respondents to rate their experience at HKUST with various support services.

On a 4-point scale (1 being poor and 4 being excellent), the Library scored 3.6 overall. This was the highest among all academic supporting services.

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

image of 3 screen-shots of Library catalog via mobile interface in 2010

Second 10 Years: 2010 - Library Catalog Mobile Interface

image of 3 screen-shots of Library catalog via mobile interface in 2010

Library’s Second Ten Years: 2010 – Library Catalog on iPhone & other mobile devices

HKUST’s Library Catalog became searchable via the m.HKUST application

A joint project of the Library and the Publishing Technology Center, this free mobile app was developed based on the RSS syndication features offered by SmartCAT

With this app you can search for library materials, see if it’s available, find out which book shelf it is on, and more. This was the first of many enhanced e-services for mobile users

2001 - 2010 (Second 10 years)

screen capture of bi-lingual Chinese and English online catalog

First 10 Years: 1991 - 1st Library Online Catalog with Full Chinese Capability

screen capture of bi-lingual Chinese and English online catalog

Ten Years of Growth and Achievement: 1991- First Library Online Catalog with Full Chinese Capability

HKUST Library was instrumental in bringing INNOPAC out of the USA and in providing expert knowledge to assist them in enhancing the system to support Chinese characters.

We also served as the only beta site for debugging and product testing. Since then, all academic libraries in Hong Kong and many others in Asia  adopted INNOPAC.

1991 - 2000 (First 10 years)

First 10 Years: 1992 - Bringing Art to Campus

Ten Years of Growth & Achievement: 1992 – Bringing Art to Campus

To enrich the cultural life on campus, the Library organized the first art exhibition featuring art works of prominent artists Huang Miaozi (黃苗子) and Yu Feng (郁風). In the Library’s first decade, over 20 art exhibitions were held in the Library Gallery. These exhibitions represented various media and art forms including Chinese calligraphy and painting, watercolor painting, sculpture, oil, collage, photography, print, rubbing, and seal carving.

1991 - 2000 (First 10 years)