Innovating Materials 研創新型材料
New materials are the keys to many scientific and technological breakthroughs.On the chemical front, AIE polymers can be sensors to detect explosives, bacteria, and to reveal fingerprints; they work much faster than traditional methods. Physicists at HKUST explore superconducting and electrical properties; their projects pave the ways for quantum computing, new MRI technology, and foldable electronic display. On a more theoretical side, research on metamaterials lay the ground for light manipulation and invisibility.
Material research also contributes to innovative building materials. Bendable cementitious composites make concrete structure more durable and provide absorption capability during earthquakes.
Bacterial Imaging 細菌顯影技術
Video : Bacterial Imaging
AIE has potential applications in many areas. Professor Tang has developed a series of AIE bio-probes which show excellent performance in bacterial imaging and differentiation between living and dead bacteria. Some of the probes can even specifically kill the bacteria under light irradiation. These properties make AIE bio-probes become promising in photodynamic therapy and quality control in food and drug. Other important applications include cancer cells identification. Professor Tang’s work receives international attention and media coverage such as New York Times and CNBC.
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(A,C) Bright field and (B,D) fluorescent images of dead and living bacteria cells were stained by AIE bio-probe 死細菌(A,B)和活細菌(C,D)細胞在AIE生物探針染色下的白光(A,C)和熒光(B,D)顯微圖像 |
Experiment results of bacteria on plates containing AIE irradiated (A) with or (B) without normal light for one hour 細菌在塗有AIE的碟上經光照(A)或無光照(B)一小時後的實驗結果 |
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Mechanism of the bacteria killed by AIE bio-probe AIE生物探針殺死細菌的機制圖解 |
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Develop New Chemosensor for Explosive Detection 研發新型化學傳感器以檢測爆炸物
Professor Tang’s research team has further developed a new polymerization method to synthesize a series of polymers whose aggregation-induced emission fluorescence intensity drops dramatically when in contact with some highly nitrated compounds. This makes them sensitive chemosensors for explosive detection – one of the most challenging and important missions for military and customs agencies.
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The fluorescence intensity of AIE polymer drops with increasing concentrations of picric acid, which is a highly nitrated compound and is also an explosive AIE聚合物的熒光強度隨苦味酸(一種高硝基化合物及炸藥)濃度增加而下降 |
(A) Fluorescent image of AIE polymer deposited on a filter paper. The letters “HKUST” were written by dropping aliquots of a picric acid solution on the filter paper using a capillary tube. (B) A fluorescent film of AIE polymer was fabricated on a glass slide and its fluorescence was completely quenched after dipping into the PA solution. (A) AIE聚合物在濾紙上沉積形成的熒光圖像,是用毛細管在濾紙上滴加等份苦味酸溶劑形成的。 (B) AIE聚合物熒光膜壓製在玻璃片上,其上的熒光在浸入苦味酸溶劑後猝滅。 |
Discovery of Novel Materials for Developing Fault-tolerant and Practical Quantum Computers 為開發穩定及實用的量子電腦研發新材料
Display Object 7 : The model made by Professor Sou’s team demonstrates the two-dimensional superconductivity at the interface between two new classes of materials
Conventional semiconductor-based computers is approaching their physical limits of computer power and data storage capability. Quantum computing is the new frontier. A research team, led by Professor Iam-keong SOU (Physics), demonstrated a very rare two-dimensional superconductivity at the interface between two new classes of materials Bi2Te3 and FeTe. Their discovery in this emerging field of topological superconductors could lead to the development of practical quantum computers.
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Professor Iam-keong SOU (rear left 3rd) and his research team 蘇蔭強教授(後排左三)及其研究團隊 |
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Fluorescent Visualization of Latent Fingerprint 熒光技術使指紋清晰可見
Video : Fluorescent Visualization of Latent Fingerprint
Collecting and visualizing latent fingerprint is one of the most crucial operations for police to solve crimes. A research team led by Professor Benzhong TANG (Chemistry) has discovered a new fluorescent material Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE), which could be used to visualize fingerprints more effectively. Fingerprint turns fluorescent when stained with the AIE material, it produces higher quality print when compared to conventional method using carbon powder. It makes evidence collecting 10 times faster.
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Professor Benzhong TANG (middle) and his research team 唐本忠教授(中)及其研究團隊(2014) |
Fluorescent image of latent fingerprint stained with AIE 塗上AIE後發出熒光的指紋 |
Designing Harry Potter’s Cloak of Invisibility 設計哈利•波特的隱形斗篷
Video : Rendering Objects Invisible
Professor Che-Ting CHAN (Physics) and his team made major breakthrough in exploring theories with the possibility of rendering materials invisible, using artificial materials that cancel the scattering of light from an object. The team has also designed conceptual devices which can create optical illusions so that an object appears like another pre-specified object.
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Old method: The cloak makes the object invisible but at the same time, the cloak allows no light to enter the cloaked region. 老方法:斗篷在使物體隱形的同時卻不允許光進入被斗篷遮蔽的範圍。因此隱藏物不能看到外面的世界。 |
New method: A new type of invisibility cloak that does not encircle the object to be cloaked. 新方法:新型隱形斗篷並沒有包裹被隱藏的物體,因此隱藏物可以看到外面的世界。 |
New Possibilities for Manipulating Light: Making Materials More Empty Than Vacuum
Video : New Possibilities for Manipulating Light: Making Materials More Empty Than Vacuum
Professor Che-Ting CHAN (Physics) demonstrated that it is possible to design dielectric photonic crystals as if they had near-zero refractive indices. Light passes through those media with no phase change which means that such zero-index artificial media is optically more “empty” than vacuum which has a refractive index of one.
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Upper panel: when the obstacle is surrounded by the “zero refractive index” medium, microwave tunnel through the obstacle as if it is not there. The obstacle cannot stop the wave and will not cast a shadow. 上圖:當微波穿過被「零折射率」介質環繞的障礙物時,障礙物如同無物,且不能中斷微波,因此也就不會形成陰影。 Lower panel: when microwave passes through a waveguide carrying an obstacle, a shadow will form. 下圖:當微波穿過存在障礙物的波導時,將會形成陰影。 |
Significant Breakthrough in Superconductivity Using Ultrathin Lead Nanowires for Medical and Biological Applications
Video : Significant Breakthrough in Superconductivity Using Ultrathin Lead Nanowires for Medical and Biological Applications
Display Object 8 : Professor Lortz’s model illustrating the structure of ultrathin lead nanowires
Applications of superconductors have been limited by the low transition temperatures and the need for high critical fields. A research team at HKUST, led by Professor Rolf Walter LORTZ (Physics), achieved a breakthrough in 2013. Using ultrathin lead nanowires, the team demonstrated superconducting properties in a much stronger magnetic field and at higher temperature. One of the benefiting technologies of this development is MRI, which has wide medical applications.
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Professor Rolf Walter LORTZ (3rd from left) and his research team 洛鶴夫教授(左三)及其研究團隊(2013) |
Fabrication of ultrathin Pb nanowires 製造超薄鉛納米線 |
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The Advent of Foldable Paper-like Electronic Displays 可摺曲紙狀電子顯示屏
Like something from a science fiction story, Professor WEN Weijia and his team (Physics) made a new foldable paper-like, thermally activated material for e-display. They fabricated it from thermochromic composite and embedded conductive wiring patterns. It is only 150 microns (0.15mm) thick, but the device can produce high quality color-tunable images controlled via electric heating pulses with reduced energy consumption.
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The mechanism of thermally activated material for e-display 熱激活電子顯示屏原理圖解 |
Foldable paper-like electronic display 可摺曲紙狀電子顯示屏 |
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Bendable Cementitious Materials 能屈能伸的水泥材料
Video : Bendable Cementitious Materials
Display Object 9 : Bendable fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Through years of effort since 1992, Professor Christopher LEUNG (Civil and Environmental Engineering) and collaborators from four other universities in China have developed bendable fiber-reinforced cementitious composites with excellent tensile ductility and crack control. These materials exhibit very high energy absorption capability during earthquakes and ensure the long-term durability of concrete structures under severe environmental conditions.
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Professor Leung displaying bendable cementitious materials 梁堅凝教授展示可彎曲水泥材料 |