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Gallery Tours / 展覽導賞

Cantonese Tours (5 identical sessions)

Dates & Times: 8 Mar (11-12pm)
22 Mar (11-12pm)
29 Mar (3-4pm)
3 Apr (6-7pm)
12 Apr (3-4pm)
Venue: Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ko Pui Shuen Gallery
Presenter Mr. Francis Li Chung-hung (李宗鴻先生), F.R.A.S.
Register: Library Class Registration
Enquiries: 2358-6710

English Tours (2 identical sessions)

Dates & Times: 28 Feb (12:30-1:30pm)
26 Mar (12:30-1:30pm)
Venue: Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Ko Pui Shuen Gallery
Presenter Mr. Francis Li Chung-hung (李宗鴻先生), F.R.A.S.
Register: Library Class Registration
Enquiries: 2358-6710

Event Description

The time span of this exhibition runs from the Neolithic period in the fourth millennium B.C. to Qing dynasty (1644-1911). During the tour, Mr Li will introduce the exhibits with emphasis on their historical, social and cultural backgrounds. He will also talk about the difference between Chinese and western cultures by examining exhibits of ancient Roman glass, Persian tri-colored pottery, and Japanese ceramics from the Edo period.

Mr Francis Li is a well learned scholar in the areas of philosophy, art and history, having had his academics papers selected and presented at important international conferences and authoritative journals. Francis founded Curator International Art Consultant Ltd since 2008. He is able to combine his academic training with his passion of art, culture and society, and his initiate knowledge on Chinese art collection and put them in solid practice as he advised sophisticated collectors and investors in Chinese art collection and trades.

Students may attain 1-hour credit for the HLTH1010 Healthy Lifestyle Course after completing the Tour.
是次導賞為 Healthy Lifestyle (HLTH1010) 課程之一部份,完成後學生將可以獲得學分。