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IELM 4320 設計思維課程成果展覽


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and The China Academy of Art (CAA) collaborated on a second annual Design Thinking course in June this year. The objectives of the course were to encourage creativity, to create fusion for design and technology ideas and to foster cross-disciplinary expertise.

The teaching team consisted of instructors from the Departments of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM) and Computer Science Engineering (CSE) at HKUST, and the Schools of Design and Intermedia from CAA. The academic background of both UG and PG students who attended this exciting course was extremely diverse and from many different disciplines which produced a benchmark for both originality and innovation.

The course took place at both HKUST and CAA; final projects are presented and exhibited in the Lee Shau Kee Library at HKUST. These items encompass areas of both Product Design and Media Design which have been jointly completed by students from the two institutes. Outstanding class assignments also feature in the exhibition.