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美麗中國 絢彩西部 - 晉守賢攝影展

定價表 Price List
  • 20 吋 (20 inches) HK$800
  • 24 吋 (24 inches) HK$1,200 (尺寸與小幅展品相同 same size as small exhibits)
  • 30 吋 (30 inches) HK$2,000
  • 1.2 米 (1.2 meter) HK$3,000 (尺寸與大幅展品相同 same size as large exhibits)

照片是以收藏級 “微噴技術” 製造,只能限量複製。
Photos are printed using “Art Ejecta” technology. Limited reproduction.

# 作品 Title
1. 維族鐵匠鋪(新疆英吉沙) 2003
In the Uygur Blacksmith’s Shop (Yingjisha, Xinjiang)
2. 母子連心(四川阿壩) 2010
Mother and child’s joined hearts (Aba, Sichuan)
3. 斟酌(四川涼山) 2009
Discretion (Liangshan, Sichuan)
4. 早上好(四川色達) 2008
Good Morning (Seda, Sichuan)
5. 牧民的後代(西藏) 2008
Herdsmen’s Children (Tibet)
6. 虔誠者(四川阿壩) 2010
Piety (Aba, Sichuan)
7. 富裕背後的痛苦(四川理塘) 2004
The Pain of Wealth (Litang, Sichuan)
8. 古今相同,聖賢不免(新疆) 1993
Past and Present, the Same – It’s Inevitable (Xinjiang)
9. 哈薩克族少女(新疆) 1995
Kazakh Girl (Xinjiang)
10. 一往深情(四川涼山) 2005
Straight from the Heart (Liangshan, Sichuan)
11. 第一次合影(四川涼山) 2006
First Group Photo (Liangshan, Sichuan)
12. 阿里濕地(西藏) 2008
The Ali Wetlands (Tibet)
13. 經幡(西藏) 2004
Prayer Flag (Tibet)
14. 土林星迹(雲南) 2007
Earth Forest, Star Trails (Yunnan)
15. 崗巴古堡(西藏) 2003
Gamba Castle (Tibet)
16. 壩上秋景(內蒙) 2006
A Dam in Autumn (Inner Mongolia)
17. 土林(雲南) 2007
Earth Forest (Yunnan)
18. 無盡的心願(青海) 2007
Endless Wishes (Qinghai)
19. 趕集的鄉客(重慶巫山) 2005
Going to the Fair (Wushan, Sichuan)
20. 梯田晨霧(雲南) 2005
Terraces and Morning Mist (Yunnan)
21. 仙境 ‧人間(雲南) 2010
Landscapes: Celestial and Terrestrial (Yunnan)
22. 伍明佛學院(四川) 2009
Wu Ming Buddhist Institute (Sichuan)
23. 風流古鎮(四川) 2006
Romantic Guzhen (Sichuan)
24. 牧場珍貝(新疆) 2012
Heard of Pearls (Xinjiang)
25. 大轉場(新疆) 2010
Great Migration (Xinjiang)
26. 帳篷城之晨(四川) 2006
Tent City at Dawn (Sichuan)
27. 一路艱辛一路歌(新疆) 2011
Hard Road Blues (Xinjiang)
28. 香格里拉秋色(雲南) 2000
Autumn in Shangri-La (Yunnan)
29. 大自然的「綠寶石」(四川) 2012
Nature’s “Emerald” (Sichuan)
30. 牧牛圖(內蒙) 2008
Herds (Inner Mongolia)
31. 紅石灘(四川) 2011
Red Stone Shores (Sichuan)
32. 秋野(四川) 2009
Wild Autumn (Sichuan)
33. 生命的讚歌(雲南) 2007
Ode to Life (Yunnan)
34. 絲綢之路(新疆) 2005
Silk Road (Xinjiang)
35. 天梯(廣西) 2006
Ladder (Guangxi)
36. 古鹽井(西藏) 2011
Ancient Salt Wells (Tibet)
37. 神秘的松贊林寺(雲南) 2000
Mysterious Songzanlinsi (Yunnan)
38. 神秘的古格王朝(西藏) 2002
The Mysterious Guge Dynasty (Tibet)
39. 醉了,金色的塔什庫爾干!(新疆) 2011
Mesmerized, Golden Tashkurgan (Xinjiang)
40. 艷陽天(新疆) 2010
Sunny Day (Xinjiang)
41. 送午餐的老伴(新疆) 2012
Bringing Lunch (Xinjiang)
42. 堆「金山」(四川若爾蓋) 2009
Heaping a “Gold Mountain” (Ruoergai, Sichuan)
43. 寨外取水(四川若爾蓋) 2008
Fetching Water Outside the Camp
44. 擠羊奶(西藏) 2009
Milking Goats (Tibet)
45. 夏日牧場(四川紅原) 1982
Summer Pastures (Hongyuan, Sichuan)
46. 草原上的童年(四川若爾蓋) 2009
Childhood on the Prairie (Ruoergai, Sichuan)
47. 牛羊大巴扎(新疆喀什) 2012
Livestock at the Grand Bazaar (Kashi, Xinjiang)
48. 信仰門徒(拉薩大昭寺) 1997
Believers (Jokhang Temple, Lhasa)
49. 朝拜(青海) 2008
Worship (Qinghai)
50. 朝聖途中(四川色達) 2008
Pilgrimage (Seda, Sichuan)
51. 古鎮晨曲(重慶) 2004
Guzhen Morning Song (Chongqing)
52. 古老的大涼山人(四川涼山) 2007
Man of Ancient Liangshan (Liangshan, Sichuan)
53. 俄其瑪惹的長辮子(四川涼山) 2009
E-Qi-Ma-Re’s Long Braids (Liangshan, Sichuan)
54. 村頭婦女會(四川丹巴) 2008
Village Women’s Gathering (Danba, Sichuan)
55. 寶貝(四川涼山) 2009
Baby (Liangshan, Sichuan)
56. 玩累了(四川) 2006
After Playing (Sichuan)
57. 噴香的羊肉館(新疆喀什) 2012
Delicious Mutton (Kashi, Xinjiang)
58. 精彩「世界」(四川涼山) 2008
Amazing “world” (Liangshan, Sichuan)
59. 大巴扎上的剃頭攤(喀什) 2002
Grand Bazaar Barbers (Kashi, Xinjiang)
60. 趕巴扎(新疆) 2012
In the Bazaar (Xinjiang)
61. 特殊看台(四川理塘) 2006
Unusual Viewing Stand (Litang, Sichuan)
62. 好年景(四川丹巴) 2008
A Good Year (Danba, Sichuan)
63. 佛門盛典(青海) 2006
Buddhist Festival (Qinghai)
64. 塔吉克族新娘(新疆) 2010
Tajik Bride (Xinjiang)
65. 婚禮場上(新疆) 2011
Wedding in the Square (Xinjiang)
66. 節日鍋莊(四川丹巴) 2005
Festival in Guozhuang (Danba, Sichuan)
67. 火把節上的「朶洛荷」(四川涼山) 2005
Torch Festival on the “Duo Luohe” (Liangshan, Sichuan)
68. 盛裝(四川理塘) 2004
Costumes (Litang, Sichuan)
69. 結婚紀念照(四川) 2004
Wedding Souvenir Photo (Sichuan)
70. 夢幻家園(新疆) 2010
Dream House (Xinjiang)
71. 鳥的天堂(西藏) 2008
Birds of Paradise (Tibet)
72. 大地的調色板(雲南) 2011
Earth’s Palette (Yunnan)
73. 鹽田的早晨(西藏) 2012
Salt Pans at Dawn (Tibet)
74. 丹巴如畫(四川) 2009
Picturesque Danba (Sichuan)
75. 殘陽如血(新疆) 2007
Crimson Sunset (Xinjiang)
76. 山里人家(西藏) 2011
Mountain Homes (Tibet)


  • UST staff and students will receive a 10% discount off the list price.
  • The list price does not include mounting.
  • A deposit equal to 50% of the list price is required when placing the order.
  • As each photo will be individually developed by the artist, its color may differ slightly from the one on display.
  • If you are interested in buying the photographs, please contact Edwin Leung (E-mail:; phone: 2358-6708; fax: 2358-1043).


  • 科大教職員及學生可享有訂價10%之折扣。
  • 上列價格不包括裝裱費用。
  • 訂購照片時需繳付相等於訂價50%之訂金。
  • 鑑於照片是由晉守賢先生重新沖晒,顏色可能與展品有些微差別。
  • 購買照片,請與梁先生聯絡(電子郵件;電話:2358-6708;傳真:2358-1043)。