Issue No. 112
April 2019
2019 E-Discovery Week
The Library was buzzing with activity from February 25 to March 1 during our 4th E-Discovery Week. Hundreds of students took our E-Discovery Challenge and visited our e-resources booths on Feb 27 and 28. The Challenge was a short paper quiz distributed on site. Each question required the quiz takers to login to a database, do a quick search, and find the right answer. Students had to visit different booths and interact with the e-resource providers to verify their answers. All completed quizzes with 100% correct answers were entered in a Grand Lucky Draw. Thanks to generous sponsorship, prizes ranged from a Microsoft Surface Pro to three sets each of IPad Mini and Apple watch to Eslite gift certificates worth $1,500 each.
Those who could spare more time and were curious to know more attended workshops held during the Week. They could choose from 14 workshops of various subject interests. Our trainers came from Mainland China, Taiwan, and as far as Singapore. All participants took a quiz at the end of the workshops, and if their answers were correct, they were also eligible for the Grand Lucky Draw.
One highlight of the Week was that vendors and publishers had a precious chance to talk to students, who in turn discovered pertinent e-resources for learning and research. Hearty thanks to our 780 participants – you have made our bi-annual event a real success! See the excitement of our lucky draw winners when they received the grand prizes from Ms. Diana Chan, our University Librarian. Don’t miss our next round of Learn, Search and Win. For snapshots of the E-Discovery Week, visit our website at
Collection Spotlight
Grove Music Online
This is a major reference work with in-depth coverage of music, musicians, and music scholarship. Updated continuously, Grove’s 51,000 articles offer clear scholarly overviews of topics and include extensive bibliographies for further research. 33,000 biographical articles provide life information and detailed works lists for composers, performers, and other important musical figures. It also features more than 5,000 images, musical examples, and links to audio and video clips. Amateurs and serious researchers will benefit from this essential work.
LexisNexis Academic
This database is a one-stop shop for a wide variety of full-text news sources, business, and legal information. Users can easily find authoritative news, including current coverage and deep archives. Also available is extensive business information on over 80 million U.S. and international companies and more than 63 million executives. The vast reservoir of legal information is arranged under International Case Law, International Legislation, and U.S. Legal. You will find hundreds of U.S. law reviews and federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790. Of special local relevance is Hong Kong and UK law cases. The full run of Hong Kong Cases (HKC) 1947 onwards and All England Laws Reports (ALL ER) back to 1561 are fully searchable.
O’Reilly Safari
Our ebook collection had a recent boost with the addition of O’Reilly Safari. We used to provide only 100 ebooks under the legacy Safari platform. This revamped and much enlarged Safari contains 38,000 business and IT-related ebooks plus case studies, learning paths, interactive tutorials, and 6,000 videos averaging 5 minutes each. What’s exciting is that 3,800 O’Reilly Media ebook titles are exclusively included here and available nowhere else. This resource runs on desktop computers and iOS and Android devices. Ebooks can be viewed online and offline and bookmarks can be synced across all devices.
Spring Term Workshops for PGs
This March was a busy time with our Researchers’ Series – a variety of seminars and workshops for PGs, many of which could be counted into PDC hours in various courses.
On March 1, Ms. Lyndsey Dixon from the major publisher Taylor & Francis shared her publishing tips with us. She provided practical ideas to help researchers get their work seen and read, and hopefully have an impact. For example, structurally we can craft the title and abstract of a paper to make it more visible among many similar publications. After publishing a research work, there are ways to draw attention via social media, and assess such attention via Altmetrics.
A very different workshop was conducted on March 14 on academic writing, by professional academic editor Mr. Nick Case from AH Editing. He covered practical skills to structure our writing with clarity, describe research data, and present results clearly. It complemented Ms. Dixon’s talk by approaching academic writing from a different angle.
One week later we organized a half-day workshop for PGs and early career researchers on research data management. Two data curation experts, Dr. S.Venkataraman and Ms. Sarah Jones from the Digital Curation Centre, covered best practices for handling research data efficiently and explained the FAIR principles of research data. These best practices will help researchers stay agile as research workflow evolves towards an open movement.
Looking at April, a few more workshops are lined up. In particular, there will be library workshops on research data discovery and data disaster prevention.
Equipping Librarians to Support RDM
Managing research data well is not a simple task. Unlike published research outcomes, data tend to be more “personal” to researchers, invisible to and inaccessible by others. However, with the global research community going towards a more and more open environment, research data management, curation, and preservation has attracted increasing attention. The interest is not only shared by researchers worldwide, but also by research institutions and funders.
To help us build services that support management of data produced by HKUST researchers, the Library organized a training program for librarians conducted by the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), the internationally-recognized center of expertise in this field. DCC specializes in building capacity on research data management; it has rich experience in working with research institutions over the world to provide training and support for service development, from needs assessment to design and implementation of policy, support, infrastructure, and services. The HKUST program was facilitated by Dr. S. Venkataraman (Venkat), Research Data Specialist at DCC, and Ms. Sarah Jones, Associate Director of DCC.
Over two days, Venkat and Sarah introduced our librarians to the Research Infrastructure Self-Evaluation (RISE) framework, a tool to help us review service and readiness at HKUST and to facilitate research data service planning and development at the university level. Another focus of the program was supporting data management plans (DMP). Increasingly, research institutions and funding agencies require researchers to submit DMP documents at the proposal stage, as a proof of good RDM practice. The two trainers showed us how to use existing DMP tools, provide guidance to researchers, plan for reviews, and connect DMP with current research workflows and systems.
The training program was a starting point rather than a finishing line for the Library to build RDM services and support for the HKUST research community. We will consolidate the learning, and transform the best of it to data services that benefit HKUST research and researchers.
My Favorite Lecture : Introduction to Computer Networking
A computer network is a set of computers connected together for the purpose of sending and receiving information. The Internet itself can be considered a computer network.
The connection between computers can be done via cabling, most commonly the Ethernet cable, or wirelessly through radio waves. Connected computers can share resources, like access to the Internet, printers, file servers, and others. A network is a multipurpose connection, which allows a single computer to do more.
In the fourth My Favorite Lectures @ HKUST, Prof. Percy Garvin DIAS will explain the fundamental principles of computer communication and describe the Open System Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model.
Prof. Percy Garvin DIAS is an Associate Professor of Business Education, & Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management Department (ISOM) of the Hong Kong University of Science Technology (HKUST).
Professor Dias’ success as a teacher is demonstrated by his list of teaching awards, including: the HKUST School of Business and Management’s Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence (four times), winner of the Best Ten Lecturers award (twice), in 2016 the University’s Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching, and finalist of Hong Kong University Grants Committee teaching award. He was accredited as the Expert Level Instructor (top 10% of instructors globally) by Cisco Networking Academy.
Date: March 25, 2019 (Monday)
Time: 12:00 to 13:30
Venue: LG4 Multi-function Room, Library
My Favorite Lectures @ HKUST highlights students’ favorite lectures conducted by their favorite teachers. All speakers in the series are medalists for the Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching or other prestigious teaching awards. The lectures will be compiled into an open online course (MOOC), where passionate and inspiring speakers will share their teaching philosophy illustrated in the lectures.
InfoDesk : A New Service Model
In the past weeks you may have noticed a change in the G/F. The Information Desk is gone!
This is a new stage in the evolution of information services at HKUST Library and in the world in general. In the early days at HKUST, we had a very large “Reference Counter”, staffed from 9am-9pm. Staff were needed as most information was only found in the paper books in the Reference Collection, and many familiar databases were only available on CD-ROM. And students and staff needed help to learn the Library Catalog and even how to search the web before Google.
When the Library created the Information Commons in 2009, we replaced the old massive “Reference Counter” with a smaller InfoDesk.
We started out with 2 staff, but by 2012 realized that one could staff the InfoDesk and it shrank again.
Like libraries across the world, the number of queries dropped, and their nature changed – fewer “subject” queries and more on e-resource access.
As time passed, your information seeking habits changed. You are more likely to first use a search engine like Google, or a virtual assistant like Siri. At the same time, Reference librarians began to teach more classes, often partnering with faculty and instructors. Also, Library databases and other tools became easier to use as interfaces improved, and student and staff demographics changed. And most of you have been using online information since primary school, and faculty members for decades.
The Library launched a WhatsApp a Librarian service in 2014 (the first in a Hong Kong academic library) as another method for getting help. This soon overtook phone calls for queries and the number of questions at the InfoDesk dropped again. In 2015 we launched the Rover Service, with library staff at the G/F entrance, LG3, and LG4, giving basic help on the spot. Queries at the InfoDesk continued to drop and almost all of them are now basics of scanning, printing, etc.
To continue to do new things, and to free up space for students, the logical next step seems to do less of the old : to “virtualize” the InfoDesk service.
- The InfoDesk is gone, but the IC Help Desk remains.
- The Virtual InfoDesk is staffed 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri handling WhatsApp, email, and phone queries.
- If you need face-to-face help, we are “on call” and will come out to assist you.
HKUST Library is the first academic library in Hong Kong to virtualize its InfoDesk service in this way. We hope that we can continue to give excellent help to students, faculty, and staff with this new service!
Exhibitions and Activities
The Exhibition on International Bookplates was opened on March 7. Through the exhibits, we hope to arouse HKUST members’ interest in and appreciation of this unique art form.
To do this, we have invited the Hong Kong Ex-Libris Association to conduct a series of activities. On March 8, Dr. Sarah Ng from Hong Kong Baptist University held a talk to discuss the cultural similarities and differences between East and West as reflected from the book plates; and Ms. Malou Hung demonstrated some printmaking techniques.
Another bookplate-making workshop will be held on April 24. Mr. Cheng Taiqo from HKEA will teach you how to make your own personal bookplates.
The Exhibition on Plastic, plastic, every where!, is now on display in LG1 Learning Commons until June 30.A Screening of the movie A Plastic Ocean was held on March 14. A discussion session, moderated by Mr. Davis Bookhart and joined by experts in the field, was held after the show. Forthcoming will be a series of Plastic Fashion Workshops by Ms. Manuela Catania, an Italian Fashion Designer, to be held in April.
At the 1/F Special Collections Gallery, we will stage an exhibition on New Treasures from the Special Collections from May 1 to December 31. The Library hosts some of the most important Special Collections in East Asia of Ancient Maps of China and Western Classics in the History of science. These Collections are not only treasured and researched, but also expanded thanks to donations and new purchases.
IWD Events
For this year’s International Women’s Day, the Library has planned a series of events to celebrate.
A Book and Media Display highlighting women’s work and achievements in science, technology, the arts, music, literature, politics, and labor was on from Feb. 25 to Mar. 30.
A Book Talk and Sharing by HKUST alumna, Miss Vivian Ho was held on Feb. 27, to share her life experience and challenges in pursuing her artist career.
An Exhibition Talk and Demo on bookplates was delivered by three outstanding women scholar and artists, Dr. Sarah Ng, Ms. Clara Hung and Ms. Malou Hung, on Mar. 8.
An Exhibition by Ms. Michelle Fung, an emerging visual artist and an art educator, on the original drawings from her award-winning book “Tin Hong Gaau Jyu (天空膠雨)” runs until June 30 in Library Learning Commons. In conjunction with this exhibition, an Italian fashion designer, Ms. Manuela Catania will conduct plastic fashion workshops teaching students how to turn plastic waste into clothes. These events are jointly organized by the Library, CFA and Sustainability Unit.
Facial Recognition for Library Access
The Library has joined a campus-wide effort to develop projects for a Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab ( We and ITSC are collaborating with Professor Qifeng Chen on a guided learning project by HKUST students, launching an alternative method for entering the Library – facial recognition.
You can now sign up for this service! Just stop by the Circulation Counter to register – it only takes a few minutes!
So far only one gate is set up for this. As the program expands, other gates on G/F and LG1 will be added. Later the service could extend to book borrowing and attendance taking at library classes and events. Eventually, it may also be used for opt-in campus services beyond the Library.
last modified 02 April 2019