Issue No. 94
November 2014
The Sci-Fi Humming in the Library
Since the Library released the 3D Printing Service in late September, the printer has remained busy. Library users respond to this new service with excitement. The appointment schedule is often full within two weeks; bookable sessions are taken up fast.
The service lets HKUST students and researchers test designs, build prototypes and artifacts for teaching, learning as well as personal interests. The printing process itself is also a learning experience. At your reserved time, you will bring your finished design as an STL file with you to the IC Help Desk on Library G/F. You will then use the 3D Printing Workstation to prepare the file, and export it in the format that the printer accepts. This preparation is a necessary step in which you specify the print settings in terms of resolution, density and stability. It is not rare that a user may realize at this stage that his or her design is not printable, and therefore should change the design for another print attempt. Happily, the majority of the models built in the Library have been successful. You can view them in the 3D Printing Gallery at
To learn how to use the service and how to prepare the files, you should come to the 3D Printing Open House offered by the Library during this term. Pay attention to our email announcements for upcoming sessions, or check the Library Class Registration ( for schedule.
Use the 3D Printing Service page ( to learn more.
Learning Space Enhancements
The renovation process described last time is proceeding, despite taking more time than planned.
The contractors are working heavily up on 1/F, preparing the curved wall for its new furniture, and doing assorted other improvements. The work on LG1 will be done later in the process, as it is somewhat less disruptive.
The current plan is for all of the building works to be complete by the end of November. Then the 1/F carpeting replacement and new furniture installation are scheduled for the Winter Break. We will try to have no building or furniture works occurring during the study break and exam period (1-19 December).
The completed learning space enhancements should be fully ready for the Spring Term – so take a look when you get back! We’ll also have some pictures in the February Newsletter.
The Library will work to keep noise and disruption to a minimum, but your understanding is requested as we continue to improve our spaces and services.
Hong Kong Political Development
Reports on election arrangements and Occupy Central have been hitting news headlines over the past month. Students boycotted classes. Mongkok had outbreaks of violence. Barricades blocking government offices lasted much longer than anticipated. What’s the future for Hong Kong?
The University remains a neutral place for our community to express its viewpoints. A recent forum on the Umbrella Movement organized by HSS saw many people from the audience eager to speak and express their feelings and opinions. The Library has also provided a platform for readers to learn about different issues and aspects of Hong Kong’s political landscape. Library staff worked to offer a plethora of sources on these issues, to provide a teaching moment for our readers.
We displayed over 100 books and videos on Hong Kong Political Development as a Collection Highlight. Although this collection is no longer on display, an online list of titles with links to ebooks and streaming videos is available at
You may also learn more from our Research Guide It provides background sources such as the Basic Law, the White Paper on ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Policy, and consultation papers on ‘Selecting the Chief Executive in 2017 and for Forming the Legislative Council in 2016’. There is also news, and links to political parties, influential organizations, non-governmental organizations and think-tanks. The School of Humanities and Social Science offers a number of courses on comparative politics, regional politics, and local politics and society. Their syllabi are also good resources for self-learning if you did not enroll in their classes.
A Readers Alert ( provides more sources on the Constitutional Development, and background on civil disobedience as a concept and practice.
Expanded Services
Expanded services for learning and teaching:
- Loan quota increases for staff and students. The new quotas for faculty, PG and UG are 150, 80 and 50 respectively.
- Reference items can now be borrowed for 7 days.
Details of loan periods and quotas for all materials is at:
Library Book Talk – November 4th
On the evening of November 4th, Professor Barry Sautman will discuss his book, The Chinese are the Worst? Human Rights and Labor Practices in Zambian Mining. It examines international discourses about China-in-Africa using as a focus the 2011 Human Rights Watch (HRW) study of labor abuses at copper mining firms in Zambia (mines ultimately owned by the (S.O.E.) China Nonferrous Metal Mining Co.). He will also cover common myths about China’s role in Africa and share some experiences on conducting China-Africa research on-site.
Both a political scientist (PhD, Columbia University) and a lawyer (JD, UCLA; LLM NYU), Professor Sautman has taught at HKUST since 1993. His classes have covered the subjects of international law, China/US relations, contemporary China, and ethnicity and nationalism
Two of his main research areas are ethnic politics in China, and China-Africa links (political economy, labor rights, migration and interactions between Chinese and Africans, representations and perceptions of China and Chinese in Africa, etc.)
Collection Spotlight — New Resources
The Library’s collections were recently boosted by a range of information resources. Highlights include:
晚清期刊全文數據庫(1833-1911) 此數據庫共收錄從1833年至1911年間出版的期刊303種,幾乎囊括了當時出版的所有期刊,其中有宣揚婦女解放和思想啟蒙的期刊,有晚清小說大繁榮時期湧現的小說期刊,有為開啟民智、傳播新知而創辦的白話文期刊,有介紹先進技術、傳播科學知識的科技類期刊。讀者可用標題、作者、刊名、分類號、年份及期號等檢索、瀏覽和下載28萬餘篇文章;還可以使用期刊導航功能,直接瀏覽和下載期刊原文。
ASTM Standards on Disc (2013 ed.) This new edition contains the full images of the 12,000 standards published by the American Society For Testing & Materials. Users can search by standard number as well as words in the title or abstract.
CEIC Databases CEIC contains over 1.2 million macro-economic time series and statistics from over 50 countries. The service supporting 5 concurrent users has been expanded to cover Global Database, China Premium Database, Sector Database and WorldTrend Database. In-depth data is available for China at national, provincial and city level. Time series can be exported in excel format. is a premier business and general reference database with over 14,000 sources from 200 countries in 26 languages. This broad range of content covers 3,500 newspapers, 700 continuously updated newswires from Dow Jones and Reuters, 4,200 journals and magazines, and thousands of websites, blogs, and multimedia items. Users can monitor current news, track industry developments and global market activity, and research a global company.
JOVE Science Education Database Geared towards undergraduates, this online video database is dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. The Library has acquired three sections: General Laboratory Techniques, Basic Methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology, and Model Organisms I: Yeast, Drosophila, and C. elegans.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers – South China Morning Post 1903-1995 with annual update The archival version of this hugely popular Hong Kong newspaper contains the entirety of the newspaper including advertisements, editorials, cartoons and photographs of the news articles. New content is added on a yearly basis. Used in conjunction which gives the current 10 years’ content, users can tap into over a century’s worth of world and Hong Kong history.
These databases can be accessed via Library home page –> Databases. ASTM Standards, however, is only available via standalone Station A located behind the G/F Information Desk.
Author Workshops @ HKUST
Scholarly publishing is a proper way to demonstrate research outputs and improve academic profiles. It is imperative for all academics, especially young researchers and postgraduate students to get papers published in leading, renowned journals. Nevertheless, getting published is sophisticated, arduous and sometimes frustrating. Young researchers and postgraduate students may have questions on how to choose an appropriate journal for submission, how to write a good paper, what a peer-review process is, etc. More importantly, scholarly publishing has been transforming. More new models are available for choosing where and how to publish. The Library has endeavored to support academics in authoring by collaborating with leading publishers, including Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and IOP to organize author / publishing workshops since 2013.
So far 8 workshops reaching 300 attendees have been conducted. Some crucial publishing issues have been addressed, e.g. how to write good research; how to get published; guide to publication success; tips to help publish in academic journals with emphasis on peer review; author strategies for successful journal publication & practical advice for manuscript preparation; and author rights and responsibilities.
The Library also prepares author tips for reference at, along with recorded sessions and presentation materials in the Author Workshops section. The next author workshop will be on 18th November. Emerald, a global publisher with 57 journals included in Thomson Reuters ISI, will deliver a topic on “Guide to Getting Published”. This workshop may also bring us an awarded author for sharing. Another leading publisher, IEEE, will hold an author workshop in February 2015. Hopefully, these useful author workshops can help academics publish their research.
Colours of Stories: An Exhibition of Paintings by Jeanie Leung
For the first time the Library will stage an art exhibition of a HKUST graduate student’s works in our G/F Gallery.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Jeanie Leung worked in the banking industry for several years after earning a business degree from HKUST. Her childhood dream of becoming an artist went unrealized until she left her stable job to pursue a new life as a full-time painter in 2009 – though she had never received formal art training.
Since the creation of her signature character “Oowa” in 2010, Jeanie’s talents have been further showcased in her picture books and solo exhibitions. She has published four picture books so far, namely, “A Time for the Heart”, “Smile, please”, “The Song of Memory” and her latest work “The Blue Moon”, which are all well received by readers.
Titled “Colours of Stories”, this exhibition will summarise Jeanie’s creations since she started painting and creating stories in 2009. Jeanie believes every colour has its own story and every story has its own colour.
Through her paintings, she will unveil the four stories of the little kid inside her, who strives to seek beautiful traces in life through colours. This exhibition will also allow Jeanie a chance to share her unique journey of colours with members of her alma mater.
Do come to visit the exhibits to find out how Jeanie follows her dreams, and to appreciate the relationship between colours and life through the stories behind the paintings. The exhibition will run from November 20 to February 8.
Don’t forget to also mark your calendar – Jeanie will share her unusual creative journey and talk about her books in a Library Book Talk on February 5 at 12:30 – 1:30pm.
Exhibition Tours Guided by Students
Students have been engaged in several library exhibition projects. Usually they act as the master of ceremonies. This time, a new attempt was explored. We recruited 3 Physics students to lead the guided tour of our exhibition – Discovering the Universe. The training of students as knowledgable guides is a collaboration work with the School of Science. To equip the student guides, librarians gave an introduction to the exhibition and provided background information.
The students studied the notes about the scientific works on display, and did research on the topics. They integrated what they have learned and expanded the perspective of the exhibition with their subject knowledge. Besides organization of contents, presentation skill is also critical. Confidence was shown when they performed mock tours. Faculty, staff and librarians were invited to give feedback on their presentation skills and touring techniques.
The exhibition shows the development of Astronomy from ~300 BCE to the 1700s with the display of some rare books by Aristarchus, Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Newton. It not only serves to promote the Library’s Special Collections to the University community, but also provides learning opportunities to our students, whether they lead the tours or join them. The tours are open to all staff and students, and will be counted as selective activities of SCI 1000. Year 1 students are encouraged to learn from their fellow peers.
Student tour guides are ready now. They will introduce the great scientists and the breakthrough discoveries in astronomy and share with the audience the beauty of science. The schedule of coming guided tours is posted at Register for a tour now!
Scholarly Publications Database
The Library recently added a co-authorship visualization to the Scholarly Publications Database (SPD, Clicking on the link in the profile page of our faculty staff displays a graph showing their connected co-authors.
This visualized relationship graph provides an entry point for users to navigate through the network of HKUST researchers. By clicking on the red nodes representing HKUST co-authors in the graph, users can identify the group of HKUST researchers who work on the same or similar research areas. Through their Scholar Profiles, further information about the researchers can be obtained, including their profile details, list of publications, bibliometrics, research interests and projects.
SPD was jointly developed by VPRGO and the Library a few years ago. The database receives heavy use, with about 490,000 page views recorded in the 2013/14 academic year. The Library is committed to adding new features and updating its content. In addition to the new co-authorship feature, we have recently integrated the HKUST Institutional Repository (IR) with SPD. The new interface, which was released in late July, allows users to not only discover the richness of the scholarly publications and profiles of our researchers but also to have open access to documents deposited to the IR by our researchers.
last modified 09 December 2016