A data management plan (DMP) is a document that describes how you will handle your data during the course of your research and at the end of your study or project.
Many research funding agencies require DMPs to be submitted with new grant applications. In Hong Kong, RGC does not yet have this requirement. Nevertheless, creating a DMP helps you think through various issues with regard to your research data; the document provides you with a framework to guide your data practice as the research goes along.
A Living Document
DMP is best drafted in the early stages of a research, but revisions and updates are expected throughout the course of research. At the end of a research project, a DMP becomes your reference for data sharing decisions and data preservation options.
To help HKUST researchers get started with writing and using DMPs, the Library adopts DMPTool, an online tool developed by the University of California Curation Center and hosts a local version of DMPTool on our server. Our DMP template covers 6 major areas:
- Nature of Data
- Ethics and Rights
- Data Sharing
- File Management and Storage
- Deposit and Preservation
- Resources Planning
After you fill out the template, you can export your DMP in any of these formats: csv, html, pdf, text, docx, and json. You can save DMP in DMPTool@HKUST and come back anytime for future revisions. You can create unlimited number of DMPs on the platform and can invite HKUST- affiliated users to review/collaborate on the same plan.
DMPTool@HKUST lets researchers experiment and experience creating DMP. Do try it out and play around. You may request feedback from one of our research support services librarians on your DMP using the built-in feature when creating plans on this platform.
We welcome your suggestions and questions; please contact the Research Support Services at lbrs@ust.hk.
last modified 02 January 2025