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China in Maps: 500 Years of Evolving Images

Opening Ceremony (Video)


  • Prof. Nancy IP, President
  • Prof. Yang WANG, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement
  • Mr. Ronald THAM , Member of Advisory Committee for HKUST Library Special Collections
  • Prof. Jimmy FUNG, Associate Provost (Teaching and Learning)
  • Mr. Ernest CHAN, Associate Vice-President (Planning & Coordination)
  • Prof. QU Huamin, Dean of Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Mr. Thomas NG, Director of Media Technology and Publishing Center
  • Dr. Gabrielle WONG, Director of Library Services
  • Dr. Marco CABOARA, Senior Lecturer in Division of Humanities

Date: October 11, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 3:30pm
Venue: HKUST Lee Shau Kee Library Ping Yuan and Kinmay W Tang Gallery

Ceremony to be followed by a Cantonese guided tour led by staff docent and library staff, and an English guided tour led by curators Dr. Marco Caboara and Dr. Christine Kaiser.

(Refreshments after Ceremony)