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Landmarks in Science & Technology: A Library Special Collection


慕選者所以等事也。極變者所以應物也。慕選而不亂,極變而不煩,執一之君子。執一而不失,能君萬物。日月之與同光,天地之與同理。聖人裁物,不為物使。 — 管子公元前四世紀

今夫權衡規矩。一定而不易。不為秦楚變節。不為胡越改容。常一而不邪。方行而不流。一日刑之。萬世傳之。 — 淮南子 公元前二世紀

“Blessed is he who contemplates the ageless order of immortal nature, how it is constituted and when and why.” — Euripides. 5th cent. b.c.

“If I have seen a little farther than others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” — Newton, 1642-1727

This exhibition features the epochal books in science and technology from the Library’s History of Science Special Collection. They represent some of the most original and profound minds in humanity during its quest for scientific knowledge. The publication of these books has powerfully helped to redirect and reshape the outlook and thinking of mankind.