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Software at Library Computers

Different software are installed at Windows PCs and iMacs in the Library. ICMac 01, and 02 are at the Information Commons (G/F); Classroom A and B are in the Learning Commons (LG1).

Windows PCs

Software Location
1. AV, Graphics and Design
Adobe After Effects IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Audition IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Bridge IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Dreamweaver IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Extension Manager IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Flash Builder Premium IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Illustrator IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Media Encoder IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Photoshop IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
Adobe Premiere Pro IC Adobe Creative Cloud Workstations (Adobe CC)
ACD/ChemSketch E-classroom B
Audacity IC  |  E-classroom B
BIOVIA Draw E-classroom B
Blender 3D Printing
DaVinci Resolve E-classroom B
DuckCapture IC  |  E-classroom B
GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program IC
IrfanView IC
iTunes IC
K-Lite Codec IC  |  E-classroom B
Notepad++ IC  |  E-classroom B
Paint.Net IC  |  E-classroom B
UP! 3D Printing
VLC Media Player IC  |  E-classroom B
Windows Media Player IC  |  E-classroom B
2. Internet Applications
FileZilla IC  |  E-classroom B
Google Chrome IC  |  3D Printing | E-classroom B
Microsoft Teams E-classroom B
Mozilla Firefox IC  |  3D Printing | E-classroom B
PuTTY IC  |  E-classroom B
Zoom IC  |  E-classroom B
3. Office Applications
超星閱讀器 E-classroom B
Adobe Acrobat DC IC  |  E-classroom B
Adobe Digital Editions IC  |  E-classroom B
Apabi Reader IC  |  E-classroom B
HyRead Reader E-classroom B
Microsoft Office 2019 : Access, Excel, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word IC  |  E-classroom B
MikTex IC  |  E-classroom B
TeXniCenter IC  |  E-classroom B
TeXworks IC  |  E-classroom B
Texmaker IC  |  E-classroom B
4. Programming Tools
ActivePerl IC
Python IC  |  E-classroom B
Visual Studio Code IC
Visual Studio Community 2019 IC  |  E-classroom B
5. Research Tools
Mendeley Desktop IC  |  E-classroom B
6. Software from Library Subscribed Databases
《文淵閣四庫全書電子版》網上版 IC  |  E-classroom B
7. Utilities
7-Zip IC  |  E-classroom B
GhostView IC
Ghostscript IC
Xming IC
8. Others
ArcGIS Pro E-classroom B
Gephi E-classroom B
Jupyter Lab E-classroom B
Matlab IC
RStudio IC
Microsoft Power BI Desktop IC
OpenRefine E-classroom B
Oracle Virtual Box IC
Tableau E-classroom B
VMware Horizon View Client IC  |  E-classroom B
VMware Player IC
Ivanti Secure VPN E-classroom B



Software Location
1. AV, Graphics and Design
Audacity iMac  |  E-classroom A
Compressor E-classroom A
DaVinci Resolve E-classroom A
Final Cut Pro E-classroom A
GIMP 2.10 iMac
Motion iMac  |  E-classroom A
QuickTime iMac  |  E-classroom A
VLC Media Player iMac  |  E-classroom A
2. Internet Applications
FaceTime iMac  |  E-classroom A
FileZilla iMac  |  E-classroom A
Firefox iMac  |  E-classroom A
Google Chrome iMac  |  E-classroom A
Safari iMac  |  E-classroom A
3. Office Applications
Adobe Digital Editions iMac  |  E-classroom A
BBEdit 13 (free mode) iMac
Microsoft Remote Desktop iMac  |  E-classroom A
Microsoft Office 2019: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook iMac  |  E-classroom A
Texmaker iMac  |  E-classroom A
4. Programming Tools
Python iMac  |  E-classroom A
X Code iMac  |  E-classroom A
5. Research Tools
Mendeley Reference Manager iMac  |  E-classroom A
6. Others
R iMac  |  E-classroom A
RStudio iMac  |  E-classroom A
VMware Horizon View Client iMac  |  E-classroom A
Ivanti Secure VPN iMac  |  E-classroom A


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last modified 07 February 2025