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"Tartary" from Marco Polo to the Enlightenment

Gallery Tours / 展覽導賞

The tours will be guided by Dr Marco CABOARA, Digital Scholarship and Archives Manager in the Library. He is an Italian scholar with a background in history of the Silk Road and Classical Chinese linguistics.

In the tours, Dr CABOARA will introduce the unique hand colored maps and antique books from the Library Special Collections now on display in KPS Gallery. These maps offer different stunning visions of China and Central Asia spanning three hundred years of European cartography (15th to 18th centuries). Dr CABOARA will tell the story of why China was known as “Tartary” and will also highlight the historical background and some of the special features and graphics of several maps that are representative of the period.

Please click here for registration.


  • This is a recognized event in the “Self-directed Experience” component of CORE1905: Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness. You need to attend the event in full to get 1.0 hour