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Maximize Your Research with Patent Searches

Integrating patent research into your workflow is a strategic way to stay ahead of emerging trends, validate innovative ideas, and unlock new opportunities.

ORCID’s New Work Types for Non-Traditional Research

Research output is more than just journal articles — and now, ORCID reflects that. With new work types like images, musical compositions, conference presentations, and teaching materials, researchers across all disciplines can showcase their full range of contributions.

Where HKUST Research Meets Christmas Cheer

As the holiday season approaches, we hope to use a unique way to celebrate the incredible research achievements of HKUST in 2024 - turning our collective outputs into a festive Christmas tree!

Dance Your PhD

Struggling to convey your research topic or results to your family and friends who are not in your research field? Perhaps you’ve considered joining HKUST’s 3 Minute Thesis competition. But, there are other ways to convey your research results: Dance!