Welcome new students and for returning students, welcome back from the Summer! As we begin a new term, we would like to bring the new Researchers’ Series program to your attention.
The Researchers’ Series is the Library’s program for researchers. It covers topics that relate to efficient management of research process in 4 themes, namely Authorship, Data, Copyright, and Impact. Some sessions are qualified for Professional Development Course for HKUST’s research postgraduate students.
In addition to the regular workshops that we are offering in the program, in this Fall term we will offer 4 new workshops which touch upon open citation search tools, data visualization, and altmetrics:
- Mining text with Voyant tool: An introduction
- Data Visualization with Tableau: An introduction
- Emerging Open Science Tools for Literature Search
- Altmetric: Discover the Attention Surrounding Your Research
All HKUST staff and students are welcome to join us. Details about the workshops and registration information are available on the Researchers’ Series webpage. You can also visit the Seminars Archive for past seminars and talks. As classes are returning to face-to-face mode (finally!), we look forward to seeing more of you in the Library and in our teaching venues!
– By Research Support Services, Library
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- Researchers' Series
Tags: research skilss, researchers' series, workshops
published September 2, 2021