A recent survey report shows that scientific activity is not declining but are shifting to other research activities.
ResearchGate did a survey in March to collect feedback from registered members on how the COVID-19 pandemic and social-distancing measures have affected their research. Over 3,000 responses were received within 24 hours. Among them, more than 80% report their work is being impacted by the pandemic.
Source: Report: COVID-19 impact on global scientific community
Report: COVID-19 impact on global scientific community
The seven-page Insight report highlights four major findings from the surveys.
- While much of the work is suspended during this period, research activity has not gone down. Researchers are spending more time on other activities such as searching and reading scientific literature, writing, and publishing.
- 43% of the respondents have said that their collaborations with other researchers are as much or more than before the pandemic started.
- As researchers cannot access their labs and facilities, time is being diverted to writing, planning for future research, and analyzing old data sets, etc.
- 46% of the respondents are spending more time on looking for new career opportunities and keeping themselves up to date on what other research institutions are doing.
Spend a few minutes to take a look at the report or the 13-minute webinar to see whether it reflects your situation too.
— By Poon Sau Ping, Research Support Services, Library
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Tags: COVID-19
published April 21, 2020
last modified March 11, 2022