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New Books by HKUST Scholars 2023 – SciTech & Business

From August 2022 to July 2023, scholars from HKUST have published a total of 20 books, as indicated by our Institutional Repository.

Among these, six books fall under the category of science & tech, three are related to business & economics, and eleven books pertain to humanities & social sciences.

In this post, we will focus on the nine titles that cover topics in science and technology, as well as business. The books in the humanities and social sciences will be featured in another post. For books that have been authored or edited by two or more individuals, the name of the HKUST member is denoted by an asterisk and is linked to their scholar profile.

Distinct Aerodynamics of Insect-Scale Flight_book_coverDistinct Aerodynamics of Insect-Scale Flight

By Csaba Hefler; Chang-kwon Kang; Huihe Qiu*; Wei Shyy*
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This work addresses the aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, geometry, stability and dynamics of flexible flapping wings in the insect flight regime. The authors highlight distinct features and issues, contrast aerodynamic stability between rigid and flexible wings, present the implications of the wing-aspect ratio, and use canonical models and dragonflies to elucidate scientific insight as well as technical capabilities of bio-inspired design.

From LED to Solid State Lighting: Principles, Materials, Packaging, Characterization, and Applications_book_cover

From LED to Solid State Lighting: Principles, Materials, Packaging, Characterization, and Applications

By Shi-wei Lee*; Chi Chuen Lo; Mian Tao; Huaiyu Ye
See availability in Library

A practical overview of the design and construction of LED lighting modules, from the fabrication of the LED chip to the LED modules incorporated in complete LED lighting fixtures. The authors discuss the major advantages of solid-state lighting, including energy savings, environmental friendliness, and lengthy operational life, as well as the contributions offered by the packaging of light-emitting diodes in the pursuit of these features.

Introduction to Engineering Plasticity: Fundamentals with Applications in Metal Forming, Limit Analysis and Energy Absorption_book_coverIntroduction to Engineering Plasticity: Fundamentals with Applications in Metal Forming, Limit Analysis and Energy Absorption

By Tongxi Yu*; Xue, Pu
See availability in Library

The theory of plasticity is a branch of solid mechanics that investigates the relationship between permanent deformation and load, and the distribution of stress and strains of materials and structures beyond their elastic limit. This title combines theory and engineering applications of plasticity, elaborating on problem solving in real-world engineering tasks such as in metal forming, limit analysis of structures, and understanding the energy absorption of structures and materials.

COVID and Climate Emergencies in the Majority World: Confronting Cascading Crises in the Age of Consequences_book_coverCOVID and Climate Emergencies in the Majority World: Confronting Cascading Crises in the Age of Consequences

By Laurence L. Delina*
See availability in Library

The Covid pandemic has amplified the hardships people are experiencing from human-induced climate change and its impact on weather extremes. This book presents an overview of the impact of the climate emergency punctuated by a pandemic, discussing the expanding inequalities and deteriorating spaces for democratic public engagement. 


陈凯*; 杨强* 著
See availability in Library



余同希*; 卢国兴; 张雄 著
See availability in Library

本书论述结构和材料在静载荷和冲击载荷作用下的能量吸收。 对于能量吸收装置的设计和材料的选择, 结构受到意外撞击时的耐撞性和损伤的评估及减轻冲击的包装设计, 都需要能量吸收性能方面的知识。对能量吸收性能的研究要求有材料工程, 结构力学,塑性理论和冲击动力学等方面的知识。

Global Marketing Management, 9th edition_book_coverGlobal Marketing Management, 9th edition

By Masaaki Kotabe; Kristiaan Helsen*
See availability in Library

The newly revised ninth edition of Global Marketing Management discusses the realities of global marketing in today’s economy and an insightful exploration of the future of marketing to an international audience. It builds on four major structural changes to the global marketing environment: growing anti-globalization sentiment, the growth of information technology tools, the increasing demand for personalization, and the environmental impact of business activity.


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Strategic Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness: Essays Celebrating and Advancing the Scholarship of David P. Lepak (1971–2017)_book_coverStrategic Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness: Essays Celebrating and Advancing the Scholarship of David P. Lepak (1971–2017)

Edited by Riki Takeuchi; Yaping Gong*; Corine Boon; Kaifeng Jiang
See availability in Library

This book on human resource management (HRM) research builds upon and extends the work of Professor David P. Lepak who was the Berthiaume Endowed Chair of Business Leadership in the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In addition to being a tribute to Professor Lepak and his work, this volume aims to help organizations and managers understand how to use human resource management to benefit employees while achieving organizational effectiveness.

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published September 11, 2023