Last week, Web of Science rolled out a new interface. As it is one of the most heavily used e-resources, here we highlight some of the noteworthy new features.
Author Impact Beamplot
This is a 2-dimensional visualization of an author’s citation impact. In contrast to h-index, this new tool shows the volume and citation impact of researchers through time in a single data exhibit.
The Beamplot shows underlying data and provides a broad picture of author performance over time (Image Source: Clarivate)
Enriched Cited References (Beta)
This new visualization tool displays citing references throughout the body of an article. Each dot represents one reference. Hovering on the dots shows details of the citations. Note that this enhancement is in beta and only selected journals have this feature. Some samples are here.
This visualization helps you understand how a reference was cited in an article (Image Source: Clarivate)
Article Recommendations
The “You may also like” feature encourages serendipitous discovery, helping researchers uncover papers that they might not have found with their search strategy.
The “You may also like” feature is expanded and added on a new tab (Image Source: Clarivate)
Advanced Search Query Builder
It is now possible to copy a search query in the Web of Science, making it easier to share searches directly with other researchers and supporting collaboration. Also, the advanced search interface now includes a query builder that re-uses the search history to make precision searching easier and faster for all users.
Export Citation Report
The number of records that users can export at one time in Citation Reports has been increased to 1,000.
Export into RIS reference format
Users can now export records in the RIS reference format from the Web of Science Core Collection into bibliographic management tools.
Funding Data
Every publication linked to a funded project now features additional information such as Award Date, Total Award Amount, Primary Investigator and more.
New filters
Quick Filters (Review Articles, Early Access, Open Access) and an expanded Open Access search filter with various of open access modes are added to the refinement panel.
– By Jennifer Gu, Library
Hits: 3387
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- Category:
- Research Tools
Tags: author impact, citation database, cited reference, web of science
published July 15, 2021