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Research Data Management Symposium in October 2021

The value of research data can go way beyond the project for which it is created. Well-managed data can optimize it’s re-usability and research reproducibility; it also helps researchers to demonstrate good research practice and integrity.

Research data is an important asset for researchers as well as for the university. Research data management (RDM) calls for researchers’ attention throughout the whole research project cycle; for example, writing data management plan (DMP) at the beginning of a project, designing efficient ways to organize working data, considering data security and backup plans, deciding what data can be shared and how to share after the project closes. These are not easy tasks. Good RDM requires new skills, supportive infrastructure, keen awareness and conducive culture.

To contribute to the discussion of RDM practice among HKUST researchers, the Library is organizing an online symposium to be held this October. It consists of four different seminars and two identical workshops.

rdm symposium horizontal banner

In Seminar 1, you can join a conversation about research data integrity and publishing, with Prof. Anirban Mukhopadhyay, our Associate Provost, and Dr. Rebecca Grant, Head of Data & Software Publishing at F1000.

Seminar 2 and Seminar 3 are two interesting talks by guest speakers Mr. Ivan Oransky, co-founder of Retraction Watch, and Dr. Florian Markowetz of University of Cambridge.

In Seminar 4, you will learn from two active and experienced RDM practitioners: Dr. Marta Teperek, from TU Delft Library, the Netherlands, and Dr. Laurent Gatto, associate professor at the UCLouvain, Belgium. In addition, there will be two hands-on workshops on writing data management plan, to be conducted by experienced trainers from Digital Curation Centre.

All HKUST staff and postgraduates are welcome to join the symposium. Find the program, event time and registration link at For enquiry, contact the Research Support Services team (

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published September 8, 2021
last modified March 11, 2022