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Researchers’ Series Workshops in Spring 2022

In Fall 2021, over 1,700 staff and students attended our Researcher Series’ events. Here we highlight our new talks and workshops in Spring 2022. Happy Year of the Tiger and welcome back!

Featured Talk on Open Science

The horizons of open science have broadened during the last decades. It is a set of practices designed to make scientific processes and results more transparent and accessible to all stakeholders in society. On March 16, Professor Gilad Feldman (HKU) will deliver a talk on “Challenges, Benefits, and Tips for Researchers in Endorsing Open-Science, Conducting Registered Reports, and Supporting a Science Reform”. In this talk, Gilad will address the importance of open-science practices; he will discuss several aspects of pursuing open-science and practices that researchers can undertake in their own research. He will also share his own journey and experience regarding collaborative open-science, as an early career researcher, and working together with a team of over 70 early career researchers from around the world and over 350 students at HKU who together are making significant contributions to the field through open-science and meta research.

New Workshops

Besides the featured talk, the Library will introduce two new sessions on data management in spring.

1. Supplementary Info in PDF is Not Enough – Apply FAIR Principles to Your Chemical Data

It has been a long-standing tradition that chemists submit Supplementary Info (SI) to a journal alongside their research manuscript. The SI contains information on material preparation, synthesis, and characterization graphs. However, these valuable details in SI are often kept in a PDF file with limited room for navigation and replication. The value of research data can go way beyond the paper for which it is created. In this workshop, we will explore how we can apply Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data sharing principles to share your chemical data via data repositories in a documented and organized fashion. The workshop is intended for students working on synthesizing and characterization of small compounds, and those who work with chemical data.

2. Introduction to R for Statistical Analysis

Managing data in MS Excel is sometimes difficult, and “R” is a powerful tool for data management and statistical analysis. This workshop will introduce the R environment (RStudio / RStudio Cloud). You will learn how to import Excel and CSV data files into R and use various R packages and functions to perform descriptive and inferential statistical analysis such as calculation of mean, mode, median and standard deviation, independent t-test, paired t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, and regression analysis as well as data visualization with R plot. Staff and students with no or little experience on R are welcome to join.

Details about talk/workshops, and registration information are available on the Researchers’ Series webpage. You can also visit the Seminar Archive for past seminars and talks.

Happy Learning!

– By Research Support Services, HKUST Library

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published February 4, 2022