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Publish and Publicize: Making Your Research Have an Impact

Impact starts with attention; and you certainly want to draw attention to your research work. Ms. Lyndsey Dixon, Editorial Director of Taylor & Francis, gave an informative talk on how to publicize our research for higher impact.

In a Researchers’ Series this morning, Lyndsey shared with over 60 PG students some tips to publicize our research work for higher impact. She highlighted ways to make published work more visible and easily discoverable by databases. When we submit a paper draft to a publisher, having a sharp title and a succinct abstract is a useful starting point. Lyndsey also reminded us to choose an appropriate publishing channel to reach our target audience, obtain an ORCiD and attach it consistently to one’s submissions and publications, consider Open Access options, and create “digital signposts” at social networking sites to arouse interests of other research peers.

Major publishers, such as Taylor & Francis, provide various services to help authors promote their work. For example, Lyndsey introduced their support for authors to create and post video abstracts; and how their journal platform shows almetrics of articles. Almetrics measures the social media engagement of a publication via tracking the mentioning of the corresponding doi (digital object identifier). Tracing such metrics can help you see who engage with your work on various social media platforms, and how; in a long term, such knowledge can help you build a richer picture of your research impact than traditional citation counts.

At the Q&A time, students were interested to know more about ORCiD and the making of video abstracts. At the end, Lyndsey presented a book as a gift to the student who raised the best question. We thank Lyndsey for her informative talk and useful tips! The video recording of the talk will become available later at our Researchers’ Series archive.

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published March 1, 2019

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