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How Do We Do With Cambridge University Press Open Access Publishing?

To support OA publishing, the Library signed a 3-year (2021-2023) transformative agreement with Cambridge University Press (CUP) in late 2020. Under this agreement, all article processing charges (APCs) are waived if HKUST authors publish their accepted papers open access with CUP.



Second Year Outcome

In 2021, HKUST researchers published 7 OA articles under this agreement. In 2022, another 9 OA articles benefited from this scheme, and over USD $26,000 of APC was waived. These articles covered a wide range of disciplines:

  1. Ho, V.K.Y. (2022). How Deep is Your Love?: Patriotism, Money, and the People in Urban Canton in the Early Phase of the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1938. Urban History, p.1-24.
  2. Guan, Y.; Moon, K.; Kim, K.T.; Li, L.K.B. (2022). Synchronization and chimeras in a network of four ring-coupled thermoacoustic oscillators. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v.938, A5.
  3. Kushwaha, A.K.; Worth, N.A.; Dawson, J.R.; Gupta, V. & Li, L.K.B. (2022). Asynchronous and synchronous quenching of a globally unstable jet via axisymmetry breaking. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 937, A40.
  4. Xia, S.Z.; Huang, H. & Zhang, D. (2022). Framing as an Information Control Strategy in Times of Crisis. Journal of East Asian Studies, v.22(2), p.255-279.
  5. Chen, W.J. (2022). Harden the Hardline, Soften the Softline: Unravelling China’s Qiaoling-centred Diaspora Governance in Laos. China Quarterly, v.250, p.397-416.
  6. Cheng, C. & Fu, L. (2022). Consistency between the attached-eddy model and the inner-outer interaction model: a study of streamwise wall-shear stress fluctuations in a turbulent channel flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v.942, R9.
  7. Cheng, C.; Shyy, W. & Fu, L. (2022). Streamwise inclination angle of wall-attached eddies in turbulent channel flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v.946, A49.
  8. Huang, H.L.; Xu, W.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.P.; He, X.Z. & Tong, P. (2022). Fluctuation-induced slip of thermal boundary layers at a stable liquid-liquid interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v.951, A10.
  9. Lai, Z.L.; Liu, W.; Jian, X.D.; Bacsa, K.; Sun, L.M. & Chatzi, E. (2022). Neural modal ordinary differential equations: Integrating physics-based modeling with neural ordinary differential equations for modeling high-dimensional monitored structures. Data-Centric Engineering, v.3(1), e34.

OA Advantage

Open access has many benefits, including increasing visibility and reach of scholarly work to a wider audience. We compared 9 HKUST articles (5 OA vs 4 Non-OA) published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics in 2022. While factors such as research topics and publication age may affect the research visibility, our result showed that the 5 OA articles in the agreement have advantages reaching out to more readers (# of full-text views) than those articles behind the paywall.

OA Versus Non OA Fulltext Views

  OA Non-OA
Number of publications 5 4
Total number of full-text views 5,066 1,889

Retrieved data from Cambridge Core and on January 17, 2023. 


The agreement will end in December 2023. If you would like to publish an OA article with CUP at no cost, submit your manuscript now! For more details on this CUP program, please refer to or talk to us!

– By Kevin Ho, Library

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published February 3, 2023