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New Books by HKUST Scholars 2020

In September, we featured six new books by HKUST professors. Just two months later, we have another five to showcase, including two fictions.


心經 = Heart Sutra
By 閻連科
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是人在成就神? 還是神在拯救人? 現實是一湖無邊的蜜漿,還是我們都必須泅渡的苦海? 那麼誰又可以為我們渡向遠岸造船和俢路?


By 阎连科
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看清了女性的命运, 也就了解了生活

无论是 “作为女人的人”,还是 “作为人的女人”,她们首先是人。而作为人的首要条件就是理解和爱,不是疏远、嫉恨和隔离。

通向现代财政国家的路径: 英国、日本与中国
*和文凱 著, 汪精玲 譯
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Chinese translation of Paths toward the Modern Fiscal State: England, Japan, and China

Daoism and Environmental Philosophy: Nourishing Life
By Eric S. Nelson
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Daoism and Environmental Philosophy explores ethics and the philosophy of nature in the Daodejing, the Zhuangzi, and related texts to elucidate their potential significance in our contemporary environmental crisis.

Islam and Chinese Society: Genealogies, Lineage and Local Communities

Edited By *Jianxiong Ma, Oded Abt, Jide Yao
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This book explores the long history in China of Chinese Muslims, known as the Hui people, and regarded as a minority, though in fact they are distinguished by religion rather than ethnicity.

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published November 25, 2020

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