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New Books by HKUST Scholars 2022: Humanities & Social Sciences

Last month we introduced 8 new SciTech and business books authored or edited by HKUST faculty and researchers. This post features new books in humanities and social sciences.

Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the ZhuangziDao Companion to the Philosophy of the Zhuangzi

Edited by Kim-chong Chong*
See availability in Library

This comprehensive collection brings out the rich and deep philosophical resources of the Zhuangzi. It covers textual, linguistic, hermeneutical, ethical, social/political and philosophical issues, with the latter including epistemological, metaphysical, phenomenological and cross-cultural (Chinese and Western) aspects. 



廖迪生*, 馬健行編著
See availability in Library

「正一」是中國道教中一個主要的派別,自明代以來,正一儀式專家便一直在中國地方社會提供不同的儀式服務。在香港市區及新界鄉郊,正一儀式專家(通稱「喃嘸先生」)及其傳統均在個人禮俗與社區節慶中擔當重要角色。 在「衛奕信勳爵文物信託」支持下,著者透過本計劃舉辦工作坊,讓正一儀式傳承人講解及展示生命禮儀及社區儀式的內容,然後撰寫《香港民間儀式:與正一道教科儀專家漫談》專書。


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2013年以及2016年,劉再復接受香港科技大學人文社會科學院與高等研究院的聘請,擔任客座教授,並開設「文學常識二十二講」以及 「文學慧悟十八點」兩堂課程,本書即為此兩堂課程之內容。劉再復引用古今中外的文學經典,深入淺出地闡述文學於人生、於社會、於人類文化的意義,不但是了解文學意義和價值的最佳入門書,也完整呈現劉再復的恢宏文學觀。

Liu Zaifu: Selected Critical Essays Liu Zaifu: Selected Critical Essays

By Zaifu Liu / Edited by Howard Y. F. Choy; Jianmei Liu*
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Liu Zaifu 劉再復 is a name that has already been ingrained within contemporary Chinese literary history. This landmark volume presents Anglophone readers with Liu’s profound reflections on Chinese literature and culture at different times.

Hard Like Water: A NovelHard Like Water: A Novel

By Yan Lianke*, translated by Carlos Rojas
See availability in Library

Hard Like Water is an unforgettable portrait of two young revolutionaries whose forbidden love sets them against their small Henan village, but whose communist fervor puts them on the right side of Chinese history.


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Discovering FictionDiscovering Fiction

By Yan Lianke*; translated and with an introduction by Carlos Rojas
See availability in Library

Over the past twenty years, Chinese novelist Yan Lianke has emerged as one of the most important writers in the world. In Discovering Fiction, Yan offers insights into his views on literature and realism, the major works that inspired him, and his theories of writing.


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published October 13, 2022