COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)
CORD-19 is a free dataset with over 45,000 scholarly articles about COVID-19 and related coronavirus to support researchers in fighting against the pandemic.
CORD-19 is a free dataset with over 45,000 scholarly articles about COVID-19 and related coronavirus to support researchers in fighting against the pandemic.
About 20% of HKUST journal articles are open access. Do these papers get more citations?
HKUST authors publish over 2,000 journal papers every year, how many of them are openly accessible? The Library analyzed our institutional publishing profile, the study will help us when we negotiate new contracts with publishers.
Academic publishing has long been a low investment high profit business. How can academic publishers maintain such a successful business model?
At the beginning of 2020, a massive open access (OA) contract was finalized between 700+ research institutions in Germany and the major academic publisher Springer Nature. How does this agreement affect researchers in Hong Kong?
It's still Open Access Week 2019 and how better to celebrate it than to watch a movie?
Academic publishing is undergoing a transformational change. Many institutions collectively negotiated agreements with major publishers with non-traditional coverage. What does this trend mean to researchers like you?
As a researcher and author, do you prefer "pay to read" or "pay to publish"? A related question is, who pays?
Finding an open access (OA) version of an journal article may only need one-click with the help of these free browser plug-ins: Unpaywall and Open Access Button.
From a draft to a published journal paper, your work transforms through different versions. Understanding the terminology in this publishing process has become necessary for effective communication in the scholar community.