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A Demo to Create Networks of Papers using VOSviewer

VOSviewer is a popular software that visualizes connections between research works. You can use it to create networks of term co-occurrence. Here is a very good training video that guides you to do that.

Developed at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University, the Netherlands, VOSviewer has become a popular tool for exploring bibliographic networks. It can visualize connections between bibliographic items based on features such as citation, co-citation, co-authorship relations, and term co-occurrence.

While you can find many VOSviewer guides and videos on the web, I want to recommend a demonstration that I came across recently. This training was conducted by Karen Gutzman, a librarian at Northwestern University, USA. She guided us to start with a set of papers downloaded from a database, and then use VOSviewer to visualize the connection between the terms found in the papers. Below is the overview of her session; the recording is available here on YouTube.

The demonstration was part of the Bibliometrics & Research Assessment Symposium 2020 of NIH

Have fun exploring VOSviewer!

— By Gabi Wong, Library

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published March 3, 2021