New Books by HKUST Scholars 2022: Humanities & Social Sciences
Last month we introduced 8 new SciTech and business books authored or edited by HKUST faculty and researchers. This post features new books in humanities and social sciences.
Last month we introduced 8 new SciTech and business books authored or edited by HKUST faculty and researchers. This post features new books in humanities and social sciences.
Researchers’ online presence is becoming increasingly important as the world goes digital. Today let’s talk about Twitter and how it can be used to promote your research and connect with people.
Between 8/2021 and 7/2022, HKUST scholars published 16 books according to our Institutional Repository: Four in science & tech; four in business & economics; and eight in humanities & social sciences.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) is a competition for research students to develop and showcase their research communication skills through 3-minute presentations. This year, the final at HKUST will take place on 20 June.
How much do you see HKUST publications in social media? Using Altmetric Explorer, we find that attention to our research has risen sharply in 2021. Can you guess who was talking about our works, and where?
In 2021, over USD$18,000 was waived when seven HKUST articles published in Cambridge University Press journals chose Open Access (OA) publishing.
Last month we introduced 8 new SciTech books authored or edited by HKUST faculty and researchers. This post showcases the new books in humanities and social sciences.
The United Nations set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. HKUST researchers can contribute a lot to these goals. Can you guess which SDGs our research relates to the most?
18 books were found published Nov 2020 - Aug 2021 by HKUST professors and researchers via the SPD-Institutional Repository: 8 in science and technology; 10 in humanities and social sciences.
ArXiv, the oldest and the most well-established preprint server turned 30 years old today. Ever wondered how HKUST researchers are making use of arXiv? Here we report our analysis and findings.