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Category - HKUST Research

Research Support Services @HKUST Library

With the fall semester just around the corner, this post highlights how you can make the most of the Library's Research Support services to help you get off to a smooth start.

New Books by HKUST Scholars 2020

In September, we featured six new books by HKUST professors. Just two months later, we have another five to showcase, including two fictions.

New Books by HKUST Scholars 2019 and 2020

Welcome back to the new school year! In this post, we feature six new books by HKUST professors. They include a dictionary, three English titles and two in Chinese.

New Books by HKUST Scholars

An early peek into two upcoming books by our professors in the Division of Humanities: one on the philosophy of Wilhelm Dilthey, one on Chinese animation.